16. "All Things Wrong With Tony Stark."

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   I wake up to a disturbance of someone knocking on the door. I look around and quickly realize that I am in the Avengers compound and not home on Asgard. 

   "Yes?" I yell. 

   "Mr. Loki, breakfast is ready. Should I put a plate for you on the table?" the maid asks. 

   "Yes, I'll be right there." I take the blanket off of me and stand in front of the mirror to change my clothes. I sigh before opening the door and making my way to the kitchen. Everyone already seems to have woken up. They all surround the table placing what they want to eat on their plates. 

   "Good morning bother," Thor spots me. 

   "So this is Loki," says a woman I've never met before. I raise an eyebrow and she laughs. "I thought you would be more, I don't know, intimidating. You just look basic to me. He looks basic to you, yea?" she turn to Tony and he nods.

   "I beg your pardon," I say offended. "I am not basic. I am a god."

   "Right, my bad," she chuckles. 

   "Please excuse my fiancé," Tony says. "Just come and eat a bagel, okay. Geez you're so pale, you look like you haven't eaten well in ages." My eyes get wide at the two wonderful encounters I already had this morning. I shake my head and walk to see what the options are at the table. There are fruits, eggs, bagels, and coffee. I look over to see Wanda in the same spot I saw her the day before. 

   "You should be worried less about me, and more about her," I tell Tony. 

   "It'll only be a moment now. If I did everything right, Vision should start to wake up and all will be forgiven."

   "And if he doesn't wake up..."

   "You doubt me, Reindeer Games?"

   "Yes," I gladly smile. 

   "He's gonna wake up," Wanda speaks from across the room in a low voice. "I can feel it." We all eye and give each other looks of concern. 

   "What she said," Tony finishes the conversation. I roll my eyes then catch Ryanne drinking from a mug. 

   "What are you drinking?" I ask.

   "Tea. It's good, would you like a taste?" I shake my head and tell her I'm good. "That's too bad, I wasn't going to offer it to you anyway," she smirks then takes a sip. 

   "You're quite cheeky, you know that?" She shrugs her shoulder and continues her drink. I sit down on the couch with her and lower my voice. "Why do you think the mortals took us in?"

   "I don't know," she puts down her tea.

   "Well I don't know about you, but ever since Thor woke me up in that place I've been feeling weird."

   "Weird like what?" she looks in my eyes and I hers. 

   I gulp before opening my mouth again. "Nothing," I shake my head. She furrows her brows and I smile. I reach for the mug and take a huge sip. Mint green tea, how lucky of me. I hate mint. I remove it from my lips and find her eyes wide. "You're right. It is good," I hand her back her mug and give her a quick wink before I get up to chat with my brother. I head over to see what all the babbling is about. 

   "He did not greet us in a friendly way. I tried to sign the papers, but he wouldn't let me," Thor frowns. 

   "The Sokovia Accords?"

   "Yes," Thor nods his head. "Am I still an Avenger?"

   "I'll have to look into that. Hey Friday..."

   "Yes boss?" the creepy computer speaks. 

   "Pull up Ross's files. I always thought this guy was shady so lets see what he's been up to," Tony slaps his hands together and rubs them together waiting for the computer to tell him everything. 

   "I'm sorry sir, I can't do that at the moment."

   "What," he drops his hands. "How is that possible?"

    I roll my eyes. 

   "Tony," his fiancé walks towards him and places her hands on his shoulders from behind. "Not everything you want to know about someone is gonna come from Friday. Maybe you just don't get into this today. We have that party tonight too, remember. The one that you agreed to," she gives him a look. 

   "Pepper, this is bigger than a party," he sighs. "Don't you want to know why they tried to contain three people from space and not let S.H.I.E.L.D. know."

   "You promised, Tony." He looks at her puppy dog eyes and brings his lips in. 

   "Alright we'll go. I don't know what I was thinking. I signed the accords which means I can't handle this on my own. I'm supposed to report it to S.H.I.E.L.D.

   "I have a better idea. Why don't we assemble all of the avengers and do it ourselves? Call up Rogers. Yes, tell him I'm here." Thor shoots up from his chair. 

   "I'm not allowed to do anything without S.H.I.E.L.D. allowing me to," he pauses before he continues. "Besides, I haven't called Steve in a year."

   "Well then so call him now. What's the problem?"

   "There is no problem, okay," he says frustrated. "Just let it go."

   "I have a meeting today so I'll be back in time to go. I love you," she kisses Tony on the cheek and he repeats those three words back to her. 

   After she leaves, the room is silent. I guess bringing up Rogers' name was uncalled for. 

   "So," Thor breaks the silence. "A party... can I come?"

   "No," he says. 

   "Oh come on. I haven't enjoyed myself in weeks. Loki, right you want to go as well?" he turns to me and I shake my head with a fake smile. "He wants to go."

   Tony sighs. "Fine. Just don't ask anyone if they want to feel your biceps or command them to kneel for you. And look presentable," he squints his eyes. "That means washing the grease from your hair," he turns to me. 

   Tony is a very bold man. 

   "Disrespect me one more time and I'll-" I was cut off by movement coming from the other side of the room. Wanda backs away as Vision floats from the table to the floor. 

   "Vision? Is that you?" Wanda doesn't sound sure. The robot looks at his arms then at Wanda. 

   "Wanda," he smiles. Joy fills her eyes and she goes in for a lingering kiss. He looks around the room observing each one of us. "Tony? I suppose I have you to thank."

   "The one and only."

   Please, who does he think he is. I think I could be able to write a whole book about "All Things Wrong With Tony Stark." It could be my outlet. Yes, I should start working on that as soon as possible. 

   Tony's cellphone rings and so he picks it up from the table to read the caller's name. "Ooo, as mush as I love for people to hear my voicemail, I have to answer this. Excuse me," He slides his finger across the screen then begins to walk out of the room for privacy. 

   "I don't see why we need to stay here any longer brother," I grow bored of this place every second. 

   "Enjoy yourself at the party, I know I will," he says while looking at Ryanne. 

   "You can't be serious," my eyes grow wide in amusement. "You fancy Ryanne?"

   "No," he shakes his head, then looks at Vision. 

   "Oh yes, now we are definitely going to go. You need help to get your mind off of her and meet some new ladies, more refreshing ladies may I add."

   "I have no idea what you are talking about, but I'm glad to see you changed your mind about going. This should me fun."

   Indeed it will be. 

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