8. Father

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Ryanne's POV

   We take two horses, and we all head on our way to the city. This would be the first time I'd go out without a purpose or mission. I'd just be looking around and enjoying myself. I still haven't gotten the hang of riding so I'm sharing one with Alessia. Thor went off with his hammer so he'll be there for a while before any of us arrive. I look over to see the prince of Asgard taming his horse to his liking.

   "What is it with you and Loki," I say to Alessia in a low voice.

   "I'm sorry?" she sounds shocked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

   "Oh come on," my voice gets loud and Loki looks in our direction. "He clearly likes you," I whisper and smirk. She stays silent and keeps her gaze at the path in front of her. "How long is it gonna be?"

   "About 40 minutes," she says. I sigh and place both hands behind me on the horses buttocks to get myself in a comfortable position.

   "Don't mind me asking, but do you like girls?" I blurt out. I don't know why I'm so curious as to why she won't give Loki a chance but oh well, here I am.

   "No, I'm not. It's just that, well." She sighs before continuing. "He's not the ideal guy, you know?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "I believe in only one God. I can't be with a man who calls himself a god. It just doesn't make sense. And my dad would never approve."

   "I see." I turn to see how Loki's doing to find out he's looking at me. I give him a disgusted confused look and he returns the favor.

   The whole way Alessia doesn't say another word.

   "There she is. Do you see that?" she says. I see the city from a far perspective.

   "It's nice." Nothing like the view of Asgard.

   "Where do you think we'll find Thor," Loki chuckles as he brings his ride closer to ours . I shrug my shoulders and Alessia brings her horse to a stop.

   "They need to rest, so tie them securely over here," she speaks to Loki. We all jump off and I look around briefly while they tie their horse. I immediately see everyone gathered around a group of people and I become intrigued.

   "Guys," I point to the attraction. Alessia furrows her forehead and I walk closer to get a better look.

   "We know she's here," someone who doesn't look like they're from Midgard says. "The children of Thanos would like a girl who goes by the name Ryanne." My heart falls from my chest and apparently so does Loki's.

   "We have to get out of here," he quickly says.

   "Wait, what if its my mom?" a million questions start forming in my head.

   "No," he lets out.

   "What do you mean, 'no?'"

   "I mean we're not doing this today. Not with Alice with us."

   "You don't need to worry about me, Loki," she spits out. "Does someone want to tell me who the hell those aliens are?"

   "This is not the time to act tough," he grabs her shoulders and looks her in the eyes. "They won't hesitate to kill you." She takes a gulp and turns to me.

   "What do you mean by what if its your mom?"

   "I think she's being held hostage by their leader, but I'm not so sure."

   "So we see what they want."

   "We already know what they want," Loki gets frustrated. "They want this thing called the tesseract and it's not even with us." I look at him from the side of my eyes and take a gulp. "For all we know, they could possibly be holding Thor prisoner in there That's how they know we're coming. All thanks to Ryanne," he sarcastically smiles.

   "Oh don't you put this on me," I start getting up and close with him. He backs up with his hands raised and smirks.

   "This is not the time m'lady," he laughs. I grunt and roll my eyes.

   "Fine," I get a crazy idea. "You say they have Thor in there, so let's get him. You can't leave your brother and they won't kill me since I'm the only one who knows where the tesseract is," I raise my eyebrows.

   "Ryanne, no," his eyes get wide. I lick my lips, smile, and run into the crowd saying my name.

   "I'm right here," I stand there with my breath heavy. Now that I'm looking at him I think I remember speaking to him before all of this happened.

   "Yes, she's the one," he approaches me. "How lovely to see you again." I keep my stare at him and before I knew it I was teleported to a spaceship. I look around and run to the window to see that I'm in the sky. My eyes widen as I realize that I screwed up. I'm alone. "Let's cut to the chase. Where's the tesseract?"

   "Where's my mother," I say. He makes a circle with his mouth.

   "That's not how this works dear," he moves a bunch of objects with his hand and ties it all around my body. I'm trapped. "Now, where's the tesseract," he grows angry. I keep my mouth shut. I'm not telling anyone anything until I see my mother.

   "That won't be necessary," a man says in the shadows. A tall figure steps into the light. It's a Titan. I furrow my forehead. The thing from before removes the objects from by body and gives me a dirty look before he floats away.  "Ryanne?" he questions.

   "Yes," I say confused. "How do you know who I am."

   "It's so good to finally meet you," he says in a caring tone. Now I'm really confused. "Please, we have things to discuss. Can I get you anything?" I shake my head. "You look just like your mother," he smiles. I raise an eyebrow and try to form my thoughts into words. "You've heard of me, no?"

   "Yes, they call you Mad."

   "Oh," he laughs. "Not everyone sees things from my perspective. I'm only trying to save this world before it's too late," he looks at his gauntlet. I notice that he only has 3 stones, purple, orange, and red. 

   "With genocide?" I spit out.

   "It'd be random," he tries to make an excuse for the murder of trillions across the galaxy. I laugh in disbelief. 

   "I see, so you're trying to sweet talk me into your plan so I can just hand it over. Is that it?" He licks his lips and sighs.

   "You have so much power in you. I assume you got it from your mother-" he stops as soon as he mentions her.

   "And where is my mother?" I narrow my eyes.

   "I cared deeply for her," he looks at his gauntlet again. I pay attention this time to what exactly he's looking at. He traces his thumb over the orange stone.

   "What do you mean you cared about her?"

   "She and I go way back," he sighs. "From before you were born. She didn't like my idea either of eliminating half the population to solve poverty, and so she left. I found out not long after that she had given birth to a girl." He looks at me and I feel my heart slow down, almost coming to a stop. "I wasn't sure if the girl could be my daughter but the thought of it consumed me. I let it go eventually. Your mother came back though, to join me in my quest. She said she couldn't handle living off of the scraps from the wealthy. And so I finally asked her if the girl was my child and well, she didn't say no."

   "Are you saying that," I realize that my voice is shaky.

   "I'm your father Ryanne."

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