26. Impossible

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Loki's POV

   "Get in losers," Tony yells from his jet. Ryanne and I get off the curb and walk over to the vehicle. "Flash-drive?" he asks. Ryanne takes it out and tosses it to him. I take a seat and look out the door before Tony could close it. My eyes widen as I see guards dressed in Asgaurdian attire. They're heading straight for the jet. I don't seem to be the only one who sees them. "Was there a cosplay fair near here I didn't here about?" he jokes. 

   "Close the doors," Ryanne lets out. 

   "Don't have to tell me twice," he closes the jet, and it automatically rises in the sky. I look out the window to see them aiming their weapons. Before they could hit, the jet takes off. I knew I felt their presence back in Ross' room. "Do you want to tell me who those guys were back there?"

   "They're from Asgard," I answer his question. 

   "This is the most amount of Asgaurdians that Earth has had at one point," he laughs. "Okay, then why were they trying to attack you? Aren't you the prince?"

   "It's me," she swallows hard, and we both look at her. "They're after me."

   "I had placed a spell to shield us from the eyes of Heimdal. I was wondering when that would wear off."

   "You did?" she looks in my eyes. 

   "For my sake more than yours. Thor and I helped a prisoner escape. Who knows how the Allfather will punish us."

   "Your father will never forgive me," she looks down at her lap. 

   "He's not my-." She looks up again and I sigh. "You're safe Ryanne. I'll try to do another spell."

   "I can't keep living off of your spells Loki." It gets quite, and I turn to look at Tony who is quietly observing. I lick my lips about to say something but didn't get to. 

   "Boss," Friday speaks. "It seems the compound has been under attack." I immediately think of Thor. 

   "What do you mean under attack?" Tony talks to the computer. She pulls up footage of it being blown to pieces. My second thought was the infinity stones. "Point to the cause, Friday." She shows him a footage of someone from the back. We all stay silent as we observe the figure in the dark in his armored suit. He walks to where the infinity stones are being kept and sticks his hand through the laser security with ease. As soon as the glove is worn he turns around to reveal his purple face. Thanos?

   "Impossible," Ryanne and I say stunned at the same time. He looks up at the sky before his spaceship brings him back.

   Tony looks at both of our expressions knowing that we know who he is. "Speak now or forever hold your peace."

   "I killed him," I say more to myself than him. 

   "What do you mean. Loki," he lets out a sigh. "Who is he?"

   "That was Thanos," I still can't believe it. I'm in shock. 

   "Why did he take those stones?"

   As soon as he mentioned stones, I snapped out of it. "We have to get to him now. If he took the gauntlet, that means he needs 3 more stones too fulfill his goal to eliminate half the population."

   "I'm sorry, what?"

   "The tesseract is hidden, the mind stone is on that robot, so he must be after the time stone."

   "Friday, track the alien ship."

   "On it boss. It seems that they didn't leave New York."

   Tony presses the button in the middle of his chest, and his suit comes together to protect him. "Friday, notify Vision and director Fury of the threat." He opens the door to the jet while we're still in the sky. 

   "Where are you going?" Ryanne shouts through the wind blowing. 

   "I'm going to be a hero. If this guy is really after all of the stones, then no matter what, you don't give away the location of the tesseract. Got it." She swallows hard and he takes off. 

   "Receiving a call from director Fury, answer it?" the computer speaks once again. Ryanne and I give each other looks and I close the jet before accepting the call. 

   "Tony, what is going on? I just saw the news. New York is being destroyed by extraterrestrial life all over again."

   I smile. "Not Tony, Loki."

   "Well speak of the devil. What did you do to Tony? You think you can still win?"

   "Believe it or not but this isn't me." 

   I catch up the director with all the details.  

   "Is there any way to destroy an infinity stone?" he asks.

   "No, they are indestructible. Only the power of the stone itself can destroy it."

   "I think I might have an idea. I'm calling an emergency Avengers meeting. Retrieve the tesseract and go to the Avengers tower."

   "Tony told us not to touch the tesseract," Ryanne speaks up. 

   "For the fate of the universe, let's not hold Tony accountable. Don't worry, I know someone who can help."

   "You know someone who holds the power of the tesseract?" I say shocked. First Wanda and now this anonymous character. 

   "I don't like to repeat myself," his voice get menacing. Before I knew it, he ended the call. I take a gulp before turning to Ryanne. 

   "How are you feeling about all of this?" I sit down by her. 

   "I still don't know how this is possible. He died. We killed him. You killed him."

   "I don't know. Are you gonna give up the tesseract?"

   "It's safely hidden, Loki. Maybe it should stay that way."

   "No," I say affirmatively. "They'll take you in again and then-"

   "If it comes down to it," she cuts me off. "You have to promise me that you'll do what's right. You have to kill me."

   "What?" my eyes widen. "Why would you say that?"

   "I'm the only one who knows where it is, and it's safer that way. It's either me or billions."

   "No," I don't let her words get to me. "We're going now to get the stone so Fury's puppet can do their job. No one has to die."

   Her eyes are filled with tears and she laughs. "A couple hours ago you wanted Ross dead. What's the change in mood?" 

   I bite my lip, wondering if I should tell her the truth. "Let's just say I'd like for you to stick around a little while longer." She smiles, and a tear finally drips down her cheek. "Now tell me where you have it hidden."

   "It's in the same spot where I had landed." I furrow my brows and she bites her lip. "It's in Atlanta."

Next chapter will be a back story at what the heck exactly happened and how he's still alive. MUAHAHAHA. You guys had no idea. MUAAHAHAHAHA

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