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Darn, I was so bummed Mr. Beans put me with Bianca. After all we have been through; this partnership was not a good idea. She hates me and I don’t even know why.

I asked her trying to figure out where I misplaced my sponge, “Why don’t you ever talk to me anymore?”

Bianca replied coldly, “You know why.”

I left it at that. It was best if we not discuss the past. Mr. Beans told us we were supposed to be cleaning the inside of these lockers, but I don’t see the point. They are just going to get dirty again. Both Bianca and I were both given sponges, but only one bucket. I had the left wall, and she had the right.

For a while we worked in silence, until I finally broke the silence. I asked her intriguingly, “Do you believe in the rumors about Halloween detention?”

She replied tentatively as if she was being watched, “A little bit, but I haven’t seen or heard anything suspicious.” I hadn’t either, and we had been working for about an hour.

We quickly dropped the subject, so to lighten the mood I threw my sponge at her. She got so mad. She yelled angrily throwing her sponge to the floor, “Oh my gosh! Aaron! Why did you do that?” I just kept laughing.

I thought I heard someone coming, so suppressing my laughter I asked casually, “Can I have my sponge back?”

She angrily replied, “No!” She wouldn’t give it back.

“Give it back! Give it back,” I shouted a little more seriously now, not wanting to get in trouble for not doing what I was supposed to be doing.

She wouldn’t though, so I started pushing her a little. She still wouldn’t give me the sponge, so I pushed her a little harder. I don’t even know what happened; it all happened so fast. I don’t know how the bucket tipped over, but it did spilling the water everywhere.

Bianca slipped and fell head first into one of the open lockers. Her blood was oozing from her head all over the lockers. She cracked her skull right open. All I could see was blood. It all happened so fast. I panicked. I picked up her body, and tried to shove it in one of the lockers to cover up my tracks. Her warm blood felt slimy against my fingers and arms. She was too big to fit in the locker no matter how hard I tried to shove. I ended up breaking one of her arms and one leg to the point that her bones were sticking out of her muscles. I decided hastily to move her and shove her in a closet before anyone could find out what happened.

After I had stored the body, I attempted to clean up the blood, but it was everywhere. I had just started on the floor, when I heard a scream. Standing right in front of me were Crystal and Jace. Before I could even protest or explain anything, Jace tackled me.

Halloween DetentionWhere stories live. Discover now