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Thursday, October 30, 2011

“I can’t believe I have detention,” Jalen said aggravated, as we walked toward West hall.

Jalen was stressing about the whole detention being on Halloween. Here, at Ghetto Trinity detention is common among some of my fellow students. Personally, I’ve never gotten a detention, and couldn’t care less what day my first detention is on. Just the fact that I have detention upsets me.

“Crystal, are you even listening,” Jalen asked me impatiently awaiting my answer.I really wasn’t listening, but hey she talks too much anyway.

I replied slowly just to get on her nerves, “what’s the big deal anyway about having detention on Halloween?”

“Every year the students that have detention on Halloween go missing,” she replied in a matter of fact way, as we turned the corner past Creator’s hall.

It’s true I have heard the rumors, but I didn’t know that they actually never came back.  I shook that idea quickly and hurried into West hall. It wasn’t about to get another detention for being late to class.

After class I went to see if anyone else got detention. While I was walking down the stairs, I ran into Aaron, a guy in my Spanish class.

“Aaron, do you have detention,” I asked him before he got too far away.

Aaron replied furiously, “yea man, Ms. Ella be trippin’. I think my mans Eli got it too.”

“Do you know who else has detention? I know Jalen and I have it and you and Eli have it,” I replied, stepping up onto the second floor.

Aaron and Eli are like the best buddies. They are always together. They came to this school together. Both of them were recruited for football.

We had just finished talking about Eli, when he comes down the steps. He was ranting to one of the other football players about Ms. Ella.

“Why did she give me detention? She is such a…Ugh,” he said while he waved bye to the other player.

“Yea man, she gave me one too,” Aaron piped in.

I walked with them for a little bit, but I could tell they were really upset. I left them two to their rants on detention and Ms. Ella and went to see if I could find Gina and Bianca.

Gina and Bianca are two of my closest friends along with Jalen and Kristen. We all came from our old school together, so we are close. If anything happened to one of them, I don’t know what I would do. They are my life. I tell them everything, and they keep me strong.

Bianca and Gina were sitting outside of Creator’s hall, when I found them. Creator’s hall is a large building that holds the cafeteria and main offices. It is at the top of the campus. The campus holds six main buildings: Creator’s hall, West hall, East hall, the Athletic center, and Fair arts center.

Gina was talking about ways to get out of detention. She always has some crazy idea, that’s why I love her.

“We should just not go. I mean this campus is big enough. We could just run away,” Gina exclaimed excitedly while she stood on the bench. She almost fell off too because she is so clumsy.

Bianca was sitting quietly on the bench beside Gina, so engulfed in her own world, that she didn’t even laugh at Gina almost falling off the bench. I know her, so I know when she is really upset about something, and I think she’s upset about her detention.

“Bianca, what’s wrong,”concerned I asked her placing myself on the bench next to her.

“I got detention and I’ve never had detention before,” she replied with tears in her eyes. “What if my mom finds out and I get in trouble? What if she grounds me? What if-”

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