Not so sweet home

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The girls walked side by side across the field, the grass and some flowers reflecting the moonlight. If Ophelia's mother wasn't mad about bringing Alice home, then she was definitely going to be mad about staying out so late. It also proves the point that Ophelia lied to her mother about not being with Alice. The more she thought about it, the more of a bad idea it sounded, but it was too late now, Alice was already expecting this. Alice knew that it probably wouldn't be a warm welcome that she'd receive, but she was hoping that Ophelia's mother would eventually warm up to her. They finally reached Ophelia's house and stood outside for a moment working up the courage to enter.

They finally did, they both entered and immediately looked down the hall way into the living room and saw Ophelia's mother sitting there, staring right at them. The girls stood there are Ophelia's mother started walking towards them, she discreetly glared at Ophelia before looking over at Alice and staring her down. "Hi." Alice said quietly, "I'm Alice." She said smiling trying to make a good impression. She held out her hand for Ophelia's mother to shake but she didn't. "So what brings you here, Alice?" She asked in an intimidating tone, it was clear that for whatever reason, she didn't like Alice and it didn't seem as if it would be easy to change her mind. "Well," Ophelia butted in "Alice and I have only just become friends today so I wanted to introduce her to you." She lied hoping her mother wouldn't see through it. Her mother sensed that she was lying but realised that there was not much she could do right now, she'd have a talk with her daughter later.

"So Alice what made you move here?"
"My dads work."
"What does he do?" Alice thought for a moment, she didn't actually know. "I'm not sure." She said looking down, it must look silly that she didn't know her fathers job. "Probably the army, right?, causing him to have to move a lot...see him much?" Her mother asked with a smirk. "Uh no, I don't." She said still not looking up from her feet, she was starting to feel intimidated by all of the questions. "Neither does Philly, you have something in common."
"Mom!" Ophelia butted in, she knew what her mother was doing. Of course Alice already knew about Ophelia's dad, but since they had said they only met today, she had to act surprised. Her mother continued trying to embarrass Ophelia, trying to put Alice off being her friend. But the truth is, they already knew everything about each other, all the little details. Alice just had to act surprised and hope Ophelia's mother wouldn't see through the lie, which surprisingly she didn't. Alice still wanting to be Ophelia's friend after all her mother had said, only annoyed her mother more. She definitely was not changing her mind.

It felt like Ophelia's mother didn't stop staring at Alice the whole time, trying to scare Her off, but it wasn't going to work. "Well Alice, I suppose you better be getting home, it's late."
Alice nodded and looked over to Ophelia who had a sad and slightly annoyed look on her face, she knew this wouldn't go well, but at least she didn't have to hide Alice from her anymore, at least her mother was aware now.
Alice and Ophelia said there goodbyes. Ophelia thought it'd be best not to give away they're hang out spot to her mother, she'd definitely come and find them, so she decided on a different location. "Hey Alice, tomorrow we should hang out in the park next to school." She said before flashing a weak, soft smile hoping Alice would understand. "See ya then." Alice replied with a wide smile before turning and going back home.

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