More than friends?

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Ophelia sprinted out the door with only one destination in mind, she had to see Alice. She wasn't afraid anymore, she wasn't in doubt, she knew how she felt and she just had to say it. She ran and ran until finally reaching her door. She stood outside of the door, she realised that she didn't need her mother's acceptance because she finally had her own. Sure her mother's acceptance would be nice, but the lack of it shouldn't dictate her feelings. This time she was sure, she was sure about who she was and how she felt and she had to let Alice know It had started to rain, Ophelia noticed that she hadn't knocked the door yet, not because she was nervous but because once she said her feelings then that was it, they'd be known. She took a final deep breath and smiled as she knocked on Alice's door. It took a while but Alice's mother finally opened the door.
Alice was up in her room, she hadn't heard the door knock as she was lost in her own head. The same thing that always happened to her was happening again. "Alice." She head Ophelia's voice, she jumped slightly startled by her, and turned around to face her and smiled. "You okay? You're eyes are red." Ophelia asked not changing her exciter tone, she was too eager to tell Alice the news. "Yeah I'm good, why are you here?" Ophelia walked towards Alice so they were face to face. "I told her." She said softly, smiling with tears in her eyes. "What? Who?..what?" Alice replied not quite catching up with the situation. Ophelia paused for a moment before quietly repeating herself.

"I told her." She breathed out almost as a whisper, she was relieved, almost like a rock had been on her chest her whole life that she didn't even know was there, and now it was suddenly lifted off. They stood there, Alice looking into Ophelia's eyes as the realisation of what she was talking about started to hit. As soon as Alice realised what Ophelia meant, she pulled her into a hug. "You told her! I'm so proud of you." She said happily laughing as tears started to form, happy tears...relived tears. "How did it go?" Alice asked finally pulling away from the hug. "Horribly!" Ophelia replied still smiling "but I told her."
The girl hugged again, not really wanting to let go but eventually having to. "So." Ophelia said as she let out a soft laugh, "So." Alice repeated. "What are we?" Ophelia asked, it was the question she was most scared of. They'd both been in a weird void of kind of friends, kind of more, they knew they both liked each other so did that make them official. "I think..." Alice started before pausing, then a small smile crept onto her face, "I think the official term for girls is lesbian. But that would mean we were a couple, dating. Are we?" She asked hopeful.
"I guess we are, I didn't make my mother hate me for you to friend zone me." Ophelia joked. For the first time in her life her mother's views did not matter to her, only hers did.
"I wanna hold your hand outside and not care about the judgement and I want everyone to know that I'm with you, and I'm gonna be proud of that..I am proud of it." She said as happy tears continued to fall as she stood staring into Alice's eyes.

They both just stood, enjoying each others presence for a while but eventually Ophelia figured it would be better to return home sooner rather than later, besides she could always see Alice tomorrow. "Well," she sadly said, not really wanting to leave "I guess I should go back home now, face my mother." Ophelia laughed but in reality she was not wanting to go home. Ophelia and her mother had never been close, but she always knew that her mother loved her deep down...but now she wasn't so sure. Alice walked her to the front door and Ophelia stepped outside. She turned around and practically threw herself back into Alice's arms, she knew her mother would probably ruin her mood so she wanted to savour this moment. She never wanted to let go, if she could hold into her forever she would, but soon enough Ophelia was walking home. Alone.
That alone, sinking feeling was starting to return. Her excitement died down and she was starting to think more clearly. Why were Alice's eyes red? Had she been crying? Ophelia started to feel bad that she didn't check properly to see if she was okay. She almost considered going back but knew that was just her putting off seeing her mother, she really did not want to go home.

As she entered the front door, her mother was still sat in the same place. The lights were dim and she had tear stained cheeks. She didn't even look at Philly as she entered the house so she just decided to go to bed, and at least if her mother didn't want to see her then she'd be able to go out and see Alice. That sweet thought of seeing Alice tomorrow helped her put her mind to rest and fall asleep.

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