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Hi I'm tired of writing with the fonts so I'm gonna write it normal I'm sorry if you liked the change but I want to write on my laptop as well but I can't install the fonts app so I'm gonna type it normally k now onto the story

(A few weeks later)

I woke up in my room feeling extremely nauseous I tried to brush it off as food poisoning from last night since my mom ordered food from a sketchy place it was good but I don't know maybe they put something in it I went to change and as I opened the closet door everything I ate last night came up I immediately ran to the bathroom and no no no...

I puked


(10 years ago)


Jade and Riley and Cat were playing on the swings in a park at the time the neighborhood had no one except them living in it they're neighbors, Riley knew Jade since they can barely remember they're moms are close friends and Riley and Jade have been through everything together Jade let Riley stay over when her dad would go on a bender for a few days and Riley would be Jade's crying shoulder when her parents would fight, Riley let her and her little brother (Jasper) stay over for a week when her parents got divorced it was disgusting at court and the two kids have seen to much, Jade protected Jasper when it got messy especially when it was about them she swore to protect him since the night he was born what an unforgettable and horrible night but at least something good came out of it, they met Cat in kindergarten and have been close ever since they swore to keep secrets and when one was upset or scared or was feeling and kind of negative feeling they have to tell one another that they are bothered and why they are bothered they are what people like to say 'BFF'S' but they consider each other as sisters, now back to the flashback

"Guys I'm bored, lets do something fun!"

"Sure, like what?"

"How about...haunted house?"


"Kitty it'll be fine, plus Riley and I are here with you it won't be as scary and it's fake like those normal Halloween haunted houses, right Riley?"

"Oh it's real alright just look at this gu-"

"Right Riley?" she said through a gritted smile

"Uh right, they are just actors wearing costumes in a well decorated house and in the end they give you candy"

"But Halloween is in 3 days why would they give out candy now?"

"I swear this is the smartest thing she'd ever said"


"Um maybe they want to give out candy early this year?"


"Spoke too soon..."

"How bout we go now wearing this?"

"Aww phoey!"

"Alright come on"

( few minutes later )

"Kay were here, here's the cam corder"


"Jadey it's a really scary house, are you sure it's fake?"

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"Jadey it's a really scary house, are you sure it's fake?"

"Yes it is now lets turn this thing on and let's go in k?"

Jade turns on the camcorder and they all walk in the house almost immediately the door behind them shuts and Cat holds on to Jade


"Riley its not funny..."

"I didn't do it..."

"Riley it's not fucking funny!"



"..." ( This font is all three characters )

"Okay you 2 go upstairs, I'll go to this room" she points to the room on her left

"No Jadey I don't want to leave you alone, something might happen to you"

"Nothing will happen to me, not if I can help it"

"Come on kitty lets go"

Riley and Cat went up the stairs and Jade went the the room

"Ugh this room smells disgusting"


"W-what was that..?"

Jade was scared no no that was an understatement she was horrified  but didn't want to seem weak and scared so she wanted to focus on something else, luckily for her that odd oder grew stronger and was determined to find where and what it was coming from, she looked all over but it only grew stronger when she got closer to the bed.

"I think it's coming from under it"

Now at this point Jade got over the 'monster under the bed' phase but now...she wasn't sure if she did get over it, she set up the camcorder in way that shows her whole body and the bed, she   lifts the bed and...

( Meanwhile with Riley and Cat )

"God this room is soooo boring and like WHO PUTS DEAD FLOWERS ON THE BEDSIDE TABLE?!"

"Hey my brother does it!"

"I'm not even gonna ask"

"It looks like a kid's room from like waaaaaay long ago like the 1800's"

"It kinda does.."





The 2 best friends ran downstairs in lightning speed to find...

( A minute ago with Jade )

She moved the bed to the side to find...

a dead body with puke covering it's mouth and chest

'that's where the smell was coming from' she thought


She felt like throwing up by looking at it, she did when her so called 'sisters' ran into the room whilst calling her name all this was too much for the poor girl so she passed out...

Sorry for taking too long to post I have school and I have a really busy schedule and I'm trying I really am just please keep up and it's hard to do this since I'm typing on my laptop and I can't use I only do use it for school so it's hard being secretive and hiding from my family that I'm doing this on my laptop since I live with 12 people, yes I said 12 now remember I love you all and have a good day <3

Playlist: Songs from Home (Album)


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