"the 4 letter word"

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The Fonts Character:
Its been 3 months since Jade and Beck told The Olivers and luckily her sickness stopped since entering her 2nd trimester

7:00AM, Beck and Jade are getting ready for school:

"Ugh, I hate this!"

"What's wrong?"

"My clothes aren't fitting anymore and it's getting really annoying, and hard to cover my bump"

"You do know people are gonna notice when you stop coming to school do you?"

"Yes, but it's already enough that Principle Helen, Lane and Sikowitz know"

"Ok, how about you ditch school today and just go shopping with Tori and Cat?"

"I can't just make them ditch school, plus I have a test today so..how about after school? Can you take us?"

"Of course, come on we're gonna be late!"

Beck and Jade arrive at school and immediately Jade speed walked to her locker and heard a couple of girls

"Omg she looks like she's pregnant doesn't she?"

"She really does look like it, imagine if she is !?"


Jade's POV:

I wanted to tell them off but that would just prove to them that I'm insecure about this but just as I'm about to open my locker I hear a familiar voice..

"Hey! Back off okay!? Stop talking like that as if your all that and if you ever talk like that about her again your gonna see a side of me that I don't show much..for a reason"

They scurried off and I just was staring at him and I am pretty sure I fell in love all over again

"You gonna stop staring or?"

"Sorry, it's just..thank you for sticking up for me"

"Are you kidding!? Those girls were awful I had to do it"

"I really did want to do it but Ana said I can't put myself in stressful situations"

"Yeah it wouldn't be good for the b..."

Jade put her finger on Beck's mouth to shut him up

"Don't bring up the 4 letter word, I'm not ready for this, plus im not due until after we graduate"

"Got it, listen we have to talk about living situation"

"Why what's wrong with the RV?"

"We can't raise a b..unny in there it's too small"

"Well sure yeah but there's always my place, my room is pretty spacious, plus there's a guest bedroom we can turn into a pet room"

"Yeah we can stay there in the beginning we will need all the help we can get since we barley know anything about..bunnies but later we will need our personal space"

"Yeah I guess we do, listen how about a when we get closer to the date we check some apartments out"

"Question is how will we pay for the rent?"

"We could get jobs, my dad already offered me a paid internship at his company he said if I worked hard enough the job would be mine"

"No I don't want you working and pressuring yourself it'll add stress"

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