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Beck and Jade entered their school hand in hand, They went over to Jade's locker and Beck said he will go get her coffee from Jet Brew and that he will be back in a second. Cat and Tori came over to her.


"Hiya Jadey!"


"Why are you happy?"

"Well..Andre asked me out!"


"Yeah yeah, I'm just waiting for the day where Robbie asks Cat out or she asks him out"

"But..what if he doesn't like me?"

"Cat he drools every time he see's you and he's close to peeing his pants when you come over to him he even forgets to zip up his pants even when someone tells him"

"That's code for crushing honey"

Just then Jade covered her mouth and ran to the girls bathroom with Cat and Tori trailing behind, she barley makes it and starts puking her guts out Cat knew what was gonna happen next and she was worried.

"Tori go to Jade's locker there is some water and a bottle of paroxetine grab them and come back here!"

"What's going on is she ok?!"

"She won't be if you don't get them go quick, Jade and Beck's anniversary"


Tori ran to Jade's locker as fast as she could once she got there she remembered that she forgot to ask for the password then she remembered 'Jade and Beck's anniversary'

"OK, 14,2, it!"

"What's up Tori..why are you at Jade's locker, what's that?"

"I-I don't know she's puking her guts out and Cat told me to get these from her locker I don't know what's going on?!"

"What! Where is she?!"

"Girls bathroom come on!"

When they got there Jade was having a panic attack and Cat was calming her down.

"It's ok Jadey everything is fine, were ok, Riley's in peace and the house is on watch nothing is gonna happen I promise just breathe"

"It's all my fault Cat"

"No it isn't Jade you weren't the one that recommended we go to that god awful house and you just wanted to protect us everything will be fine if you want to we can go to Riley's parents house or to Monica ok"

"No no no no this isn't happening"

"Ugh where is Tori with those pills?!"

"I'm here ok"

"Oh thank god, Jadey take these you'll be fine ok those things happened in the past it's been years everything will be fine trust me ok?"

Jade was still panicking but she nodded

"Alright here"

Cat fed Jade the pills since she was too weak to do so

"Your ok, ok?"

"Ok, thanks Kitty"

"It's ok your ok"

"What's going on, Jade are you ok?!"

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