Nobody's POV
Jade knocked on Beck's door and a few seconds later the door swung open and revealed a shirtless Beck
"Hey come in"
" wanna talk?"
"I'll just tell you everything ok, but don't cut me off"
Beck silently nodded
"Ok so around a week or 2 ago I started feeling sick puking, always nauseous, headaches that sort of stuff, anyways remember the day you took me took me to the pharmacy?"
Beck nodded
"Yeah I told the woman my symptoms and she started asking me about my menstrual cycle and she gave me a test and said to rule it out and if it's a negative then I should go to the hospital to see what's wrong, when we got back to school I dragged Cat to her apartment and unsurprisingly Vega followed because she apparently got suspicious and Kitty told her, so I took the test it came out p-positive and I passed out, when I woke up I saw the nurse and she told me she would do an at home ultrasound to see if it's true and wanted to make sure everything was fine and she showed me the screen and I saw that I was actually pregnant then she gave some prenatal pills and left then Vega left and it was just me and Cat"
"When I went home I just went to bed and cried, I never left my room hell never left my bed, I was scared my body was changing I didn't believe it but I took a look at my symptoms again and it all checked out sickness, nausea, headaches, backaches, always exhausted, sore breasts"
Beck snorts and Jade hits his chest
"I deserve that"
"Whatever, anyways I was getting sick day by day and the nurse was giving me advice for the nausea and the aches but some of those cost me and my dumb ass thought it was okay to use money from my moms account and I thought she wouldn't notice, she did and confronted me and I burst into tears which is a rarity, so she said she would support me and if you choose to stay she would support US and she is helping care for me and kept begging me to tell you and we are"
"I'm sorry"
"I said I'm sorry"
"For what??"
"For you know..knocking you up"
"Hey it's not entirely your fault this kid is half of me too don't blame yourself"
"When did it happen?"
"When did what happen?"
"The night I knocked you up"
Jade snorted
"Well doofus your always horny as fuck so I'm just gonna guess seeing as I am 7 weeks"
"Your 7 weeks?!"
"So how far along is that in like months?"
"Um let me see..2 months and 3 weeks"
"Yeah, now around 7 weeks ago I don't really remember obviously so I'm just gonna go through my photo album and see if I find anything"
"Oh wow that's gonna be easy considering your a photogenic"
"Shut up doofus"
45 minutes later
"Oh oh there it is!"
"I don't see anything interesting"
"Beck the night of the party we you know..did it"
"Doesn't add up Jade"
"Beck I was drunk but not black out drunk I remember bits and pieces of that night and I remember we didn't use one"
"I actually remember a bit of that night too"
"Weren't you a bit tipsy?"
"Yeah I was but I remember we didn't use on as well"
"It all adds up"
"This is so crazy"
"Believe me it is way crazier than you think you haven't even processed it yet"
"Can I see it?"
Jade went through her purse and pulled out a small picture she stared at it for a bit
"Hey I'm the one that hasn't seen it"
"Oh yeah sorry"
Jade handed Beck the picture and he just stared at it like it was some magical creature
"See I told you"
Beck didn't respond verbally nor physically, he just kept staring at it and eventually he started tearing up
"Hey it's ok, why are you crying?"
"I'm just..happy"
"What your happy? I thought your devastated and your gonna kick me to the curb"
"I would never kick you to the curb, and if you wanna know I've always wanted kids I mean the timing is not ideal but I'm willing to try and help"
"God I love you doofus"
"I love you too princess"
Jade let out a small giggle which made Beck's heart melt, he then pulled her in for a kiss which turned into a heated make out suddenly Jade pulled away
Jade giggled because he sounded whiny
"Because this is what got us into this mess in the first place"
"Come on plus there is no point in using one now"
Jade put her thumb under her chin and started to tap her index finger on the corner of her lips as if she was thinking
Jade walked to the bathroom swaying her hips seductively as a way to tease Beck and he just sat on the bed pouting like a toddler who didn't get candy

Why now?
FanfictionJade always hated children, she always did ever since she was a child herself, Beck on the other hand adored them, he always wanted some of his own. What would happen if the teenage couple made a mistake that would change the rest of their lives?