Chapter 2 Welcome to hell?

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|During Lunch. The 4th day of school |

Bad's POV


Me and Niki sat down at the end of a lunch table just us since we don't really know anyone I was helping Niki with her Spanish notes they gave her a lot just for being the first week of school. Niki was also helping me she was doing my german notes so I guess it was a win-win.

A couple of minutes go by and I see that Skeppy kid on top of the table with a megaphone what an idiot is he really asking to get bullied.

"hELLo is this thing on? Can I get everyone's attention?" Skeppy said all loudly everyone stopped talking and put their full attention to Skeppy "So! My parents aren't home and what's a good way to welcome everyone to their first week of hell to go to my party THIS Saturday! Everyone is invited even that dork and 4 eyes over but you guys should totally come" He said.

He is already giving me a headache and was he talking about me? I saw on everyone's Instagram post that they will be attending the party it looks like the word got around fast because some of the kids who aren't even in lunch right now posted they will be going to the party. And who the hell hosts a party at the start of the year? I thought only seniors did that.

"Bad we should start heading to class Skeppy ruined the mood," she said as I agreed I pick up my lunch tray and my book bag and headed to the trash can I pass by Skeppys table but I don't think he notices. I was stopped as a leg blocked my way I look to the side of me to see Skeppy putting his leg out to stop me from going. "You know I can just go to the other side right?" I said as I moved to the other side. "Wait wait wait before you go I just wanted to say sorry we might have come off the wrong way so I'm sorry about that so will you come to my party?" He said. Is he really apologizing to me?  If anything he needs to apologize to Niki, not me.

"I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to decline," I said. Skeppy looked mad but that face slowly went away "Come onnnn it would be so much fun! Is there like any way I can get you to come?" He asked. "Well yeah but I don't really want to go," I said. "Is it to apologize to Niki? I mean I see you guys together all the time are you guys siblings or dating?" He said. I was shocked how he knows I was talking about apologizing to Niki. "We aren't dating nor are we siblings we are just friends," I said. "That means I have a shot" Skeppy mumbled "What was that?" I asked. He shook his head. "Look I'll apologize to Niki but please consider coming I would love to see your cute face but anyways I have to go so I'll talk to you later," He said.

I sighed as I didn't know if he was lying or not I finally threw away my lunch and met back with Niki she didn't question why it took me so long surprising. We made it to our Spanish class where Skeppy would sit behind us and usually throw paper balls at us with mean notes in them but today he didn't do anything maybe he really is changing well to be fair I only met him this week but yet again he did say we come off the wrong way which is kind of true maybe he wasn't lying.

our last class ended fast I met up with Niki and he had a happy look on her face "Soo what's the happy look for?" I asked. "Wellll Skeppy just apologized to me and asked me to come to his party and maybe if we go he will stop bullying me and stop picking on you as well!" She said. That's kind of what I expected. "He apologized to me as well at lunch but I don't know I think he just wants people to come to his party," I said, " But Bad if he wanted people to go to his part no offense, by the way, why would he ask us?" She said. She had a point maybe I'm just being too mean "You know what sure let's go to the party it can't be that bad " I said

Me and Niki walked home as we talked about the party probably a bit too much Niki went home since her house was right there and I continued walking for a few minutes. And again I felt the presents of someone watching me but it was just my imagination I hope.

I made it to the front door closing it knowing that no one is behind me but right when I was about to close it a strong force open it that's when I really panic I jumped out of fear and turn behind me it was only Skeppy. wait skeppy? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? "Uhhh did you follow me home and you scared the crap out of me," I said. The boy didn't say anything and walked into my house. "W-what are you doing?" I asked. "Arnt we friends? Friends invite people over don't they?" He said. "Well yeah, but don't you have like other friends? Not to mention you followed me home" I said. "Yeah I do have other friends but- I-I uhhh I-Im hungry yeah I'm hungry can you make me soup pleaseeee" He said. I sighed and put a cup of noodles in the microwave since I was too lazy to cook.

"Okay look Skeppy once you get your noodles can you please leave?" I asked nicely "Fine" He said. a minute passed by and the microwave beeped I took it out for him and gave him a plastic fork and now practically forced him outside. "WAIT WAIT WAIT before you kick me out I- uhh can I stay for a little longer just so I can keep my noodles I don't wanna drop it you know," He said. I made a growling noise which was a sign that I was a bit annoyed but we just got on good terms "Okay but ONLY when your done eating your noodles" I said. A couple of minutes go by and Skeppy was done eating his noodles "Alright are you done now?" I asked. "Yes" He said "Alrighty then out my house you go," I said. Skeppy goes to the front door but doesn't leave ''WAIT WAIT WAIT LET ME STAY a little longer please?" He said. "I have things to do so I'm not even gonna be home so no" I lied.

"WAIT WAIT DO YOU HAVE an older sibling?" he said as I stopped trying to push him out the front door "Yes but she is annoying," I said, "wait omg me too!" He said, "Does she ever like blame everything on you for no reason?" He said "Dude all the time!" I said. Sooner or later we started talking for over a couple of hours and it began to look dark outside.

"Aww shucks guess I'll have to stay here tonight," He said. "Wait wait wait was this your plan to get me to talk about something so you can stay the night?" I asked. "pfft noooo anywho where is your room so I can sleep," He said. "Uh nope, you are not sleeping in my room go sleep on the couch. "Fine" He said. I got him a blanket and the most uncomfortable pillow ever and gave it to him.

I went to my room and fell asleep the next morning I woke up and he wasn't there maybe I just had a weird fever dream or something I don't know well today is Friday so tomorrow is the party glad we were able to get on good terms. 

But I have a bad feeling about this..

Word Count 1369

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