Chapter 5 The Truth...

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TW : Mention of a family member dying

Niki's POV

I sat down with my mom and I'm guessing the owner of the house I feel so uncomfortable right now my shoulders just can't relax ''So uh erm what are your guy's names?" The guy asked. My mom introduced herself and me since I'm still a bit embarrassed. ''So Niki right? your mom said that Skeppy is bullying you?" He asked me I nodded my head as if we just talked about it like 5 minutes ago but sure bestie get it I guess.

"Well I thought for a while Skeppy stopped bullying people I tried to knock some sense into him but that seems that didn't work," He said. I raised my head up "Well Sir he has only been taunting and harassing me no one else yeah he might call some people names but the real bullying is only towards me," I told the guy. I can see my mom annoyed and just wants to hurry this up. "Well I do have the truth why he is doing this but he is not gonna like it if I told someone," He said my mom got out of her seat "I will literally pay you to get a reason please my daughter is suffering and I can't take her out of the school I paid so much money for it and no one in our family knows how to homeschool someone and even then that would cost more money so please tell me and my daughter the reason." My mom is acting really dramatic right now but I'm just gonna sit through the pain 

"You don't need to pay me anything don't worry I'll tell you, this is karma for him," He said

"Well awhile back when he was about 8 something tramantic in his life happend that I dont think he can recover from, robbers came to his house and killed his mother keep in mind they were the richest family so everyone wanted to get their hands on them, right when Skeppy turned 13 his father left him to do some of his business work but in reality, his father just didn't want a son or a child, I know Skeppy since I'm his cousin and ever since his mom passed away they gave me a shit ton of money not even to Skeppy so I thought it was the right thing to do and I let Skeppy live with me and we can split the money but when we got this huge amount of cash he spends it so unresponsively and yeah its technically my money but it would make sense if he got some too but he just spends it so poorly, last week we had a fight we always have fights where we just yell at each other and it's pointless the next day he went to go to school he didnt come back I got scared but then the next day he came back and demanded he wanted a party here, again I said 'No' and I dont know how but he won that fight."

"But if I really wanted him gone I can call the police and take him away since I'm technically not his parent since I didn't sign any papers to go live off with me all I'm saying is he could be gone in just a snap so please tell me if he does anything to you, Niki."

After hearing that it made me feel a bit better but not fully. Was I  just Skeppy's punching bag to his rage? or did he have a legit reason whatever it is I'm gonna use that against him. 

"Thank you for that I really needed it but I need to get going now," I told him. I and my mother left the house and went back to ours I stayed there for a bit and fell asleep.


A couple of Hours Later School is Over


BadBoyHalo's POV

Finally, school is over I usually like school but today was a mess I got home laid down and heard banging on the door I don't think I invited anyone over I look at the window and I see Niki I invited her in thank god it wasn't a murderer but just in case I locked the door right when Niki walked in. "I got some news," We both said at the same time "Oh uh you go then," I Told Niki "You sure its gonna be A LOT" She said, "Sure I don't mind," I said.

After a while of Niki telling me what she was told I was in complete shock I thought she was gonna tell me something funny like a joke but dear lord this was dark "Niki are you 100% sure this is true" I asked. Niki looked offended "Yes of course it's true! Tomorrow at school I will prove it" She said. She seems very determined I guess it is true then "So what about you?" Niki asked. "Well in the morning I was pulled into the principal office with Skeppy and you remember on the first day of school how they will put you in tutoring if you don't have good grades don't worry I wasn't the one with the bad grades it was Sk-" 


"Speak of the devil," Niki said. I rolled my eyes thinking it was not Skeppy I open the curtains to see who it was and speak of the devil it was "Here look I will prove all I said is true" She said. I open the door to see Skeppy he walked himself in he gave Niki a death glare for a good minute "Well are you teach me or what Mr. Halo?" He said, I groaned in annoyance. Skeppy put his large stacks of paper what I'm guessing is homework on the table. "Do it for me" He said. "Uh no if you're not gonna do any work then just leave trust me I don't want you here either just go already," I said like I was trying to get rid of a cat in the house.

"Look I've been fighting with my parents lately and I don't wanna go home," He said "BULLSHIT!" Niki yelled I looked at her confused as right now was not a good time. "That came out wrong sorry" She apologized. Skeppy got his pencil and flick and Niki "Ow you rat!" She yelled. "Okay okay okay before you guys kill each other Skeppy go home I don't care if your fighting with your parents don't you have like a million friends?" I said "All of my close friends are mad at me and my 'million friends don't care about me," He said while he was fidgeting with his fingers. "Then go apologize to one of them I don't care just leave," I said. "Bro why are you so meannnn you weren't like this a couple of days ago," He said "Well I wouldn't be mean to a person who EMBARRASSED ME in front of the entire school " I yelled at him

Skeppy sighed at started doing his homework without complaining. I sat next to him so I can see what he is doing wrong. Surprisingly he is pretty smart "Hey just a question you know all the answers to your homework but why don't you ever turn it in or do good on your tests?" I asked him. 

''Well I really don't care about the school I only go because I don't really like home but that's where I waste my time since I having nothing to do, hell yeah I can drop out anytime but I really just wanna go to senior prom or just have a normal-ish life you know? but I ain't gonna do the work that is so annoying but since it's borning in class, I do kind of pay attention and everything we are learning right now is easy it's just when I'm force or I have nothing else to do then I will do my homework so I guess I'm forced and bored right now. Sorry for rambling we just got in a calm mood and I just forget where I am sometimes" He said

I nodded in response as I go on my phone looking for an excuse for this awkwardness to go away I go ahead and text Niki



I'm still a bit confused about what you told me like he does have troubles at home I do believe that but I think he is just a normal teenager fighting with their parents.


No bro srs I'm telling u look I will drop the bomb like in 3 minutes I swear


If you say so

| Delivered |


"Soo Skeppy what happened to your mom?" Niki asked. ARE WE REALLY GOING THIS FAST WOAH WAOH THAT'S A BIT PERSONAL I begin to panic by the awkwardness. "She works? I don't know I don't s-see her often" He said "So what about your Fathe-" "I fucking hate him" He cut off Niki "Watch your mouth," I told him Skeppy rolled his eyes and continued to do his homework.

A couple of hours went by and Skeppy finished up his homework Niki has left by then. Me and Skeppy didn't really talk at all he would ask me a few questions about my family and I asked him a few questions about his family it was a normal conversation that was



Word Count 1558

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