Chapter 11 Haunted House

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Am I weeks late yes, yes i am BUT SUSH i was very busy i promise :') DONT WORRY IM BACK i hope-


BadBoyHalo's POV


English class got kind of boring I already knew what they were teaching I just stared at the clock waiting for it to turn 3:00 pm so we can leave school. I felt a little tap on my shoulder it was Skeppy who was sitting next to me. "Pssst Look" Skeppy whispered as he slid his phone under the desk, I clicked on the email which was a post from Instagram that they will have a haunted house at the park.

I HATE haunted houses with a passion sometimes they get too touchy or they are loud and everything happening at once makes me so uncomfortable. I handed Skeppy's phone back to him as I mouthed 'No way'.

 Skeppy reached for a marker and grabbed my wrist and wrote 'PLEASE' on it. "Seriously you could have told me it instead of wirti-" 


"Sorry Mr," I said as I now realise why he did it. I grabbed another marker and wrote on his wrist 'I have plans already sorry' that was a lie but whatever. Skeppy gave me an annoyed face. Was he annoyed I wrote on him or that I have 'plans'? 

"Alright, you guys are dismissed from my class just a reminder your book reports are due before the 30th! Oh and Alison please remember to return the book to the librarian she's not happy about your 4 late due books"

I got out of my seat as I packed my bags "Soooooooooooooo" "No" I said. "Aw but come on!" Skeppy tried to convince me. "I know damn well you don't have plans," Skeppy said. I stook out my tongue to him as finished getting my stuff.

"What will convince you to go!" Skeppy pleaded. "Well there is this one thing," I said. "WHAT IS IT!" He yelled. I laughed as we started making our way to my house. "Well there is this really underrated coffee shop and by the day of the party can you buy me the blueberry muffin they are delicious! but they take forever to make and I get a bit impatient and oh look at you probably the most impatient person ever but you got this!" I said.

''Okay that's easy the party is tomorrow that won't be such a struggle" Skeppy said as we shook on it.

"By the way Bad I'll come to your house like at 6 pm so we can go to the haunted house, no torturing today the teacher said I'm doing a 'good job' so I'm taking that as an I'm gonna take a break type of day," He said. I nodded as we went our separate ways and went home.

Time Skip Ti'll 6 pm


I took my phone off the charger as Skeppy was waiting for me. "You ready?" He asked. "Yup" We started making our way to the local park, apparently the people helping the haunted house were just some tired seniors needing their hours.

We stood in line as it was a normal size line maybe 15 people ahead of us. "So Bad are you scared," Skeppy said. "Pfft not even a tiny bit" I lied, Those screams really are making me overthink everything.

Finally, it was our turn

"You know what Skeppy it's fine you don't need to get me my muffin we can just go ho-" 

"Nope!" He said as he pushed me into the haunted house as the people in the front closed it, so that being said we have to go in.

"Skeppy what if one of them pushes me!" I said holding onto Skeppy. "Bad please I'm sure they are not allowed to touch you," Skeppy said. I gripped even harder as we went to the first room it look like the scene from the ring where the girl comes out of the tv the girl started chasing us to the next room. "AHHH! I DONT LIKE THIS S'GEPPY" I yelled

I know I've been looking down the entire time but it's still scary. Then I look to the side of me, Where's Skeppy??

I was just holding onto him

where did he go? Are you joking right now did he really dip on me! Where did he go surely he is somewhere in the haunted house?

Where is he?


I was now alone in the haunted house. "Great." Instead of taking my time in the haunted house, I ran looking for Skeppy going backwards looking for him "SKEPPY!" I yelled. I cant find him. Fudge.

"AHHH!" I Screamed as a creepy clown scared me with a fake knife, I put my hands over my ears and started sobbing. Frick I'm so stupid why did I even agree? I look so stupid im a 14 year old crying in a haunted house.

I finally make it to the last room, this room had more people in it, I thought there was only 2 people in one room? why is there 5?!??! I quickly try to run to exit but I was stopped by another creepy clown. Are they allowed to do this??

Two other creepy-looking clowns appeared behind me as one of them push me to the ground as they all surrounded me. I start to sob even more. I suddenly kick one of them in the legs so I can get out of there I quickly open the door " OH SORRY FOR KICKING YOU!" I yelled and I escape from that horrible house.

I wiped my tears as I guess Skeppy is gone? Went home? I'm not sure I tried calling him but he hasn't answered but I'm too tense right now to go back and look for him I'll just have to look for him tomorrow at the party.

I started to make my way home as there were two creepy clowns following me, I thought they were just lost but oh boy was I wrong, I started to sprint home and finally, I made it safe and sound in my house. I'm definitely keeping ALL of the lights on.

Skeppy's POV

''PFFFFFFFT HAHAHA THAT WAS PERFECT DUDE DREAM I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE LISTENING TO OUR CONVERSATION ABOUT HIM BEING TOUCHED THAT WAS AMAZING" I laughed as I took the clown mask off. So yeah in the first room I dip Bad and put on a clown mask to scare that absolute shit out of him.

''Dude no that was so funny when he started to cry, like what is he gonna do call his mommy? Like, come on!" Gorge laughed. So yeah I Dream, George and a couple of their friends help me out on this I really owe them one. "This is perfect right before the party he wouldn't even know it that the worst day of his life is tomorrow!" Dream laughed

There it was again that feeling in my stomach I don't want to out Bad but yet again my entire social life is on the line, What am I thinking? I knew Bad for months now I can't get that attached to him I mean he is so nice and sweet he is caring and


I think I'm falling for him


Word Count 1216

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