Chapter 3 the party

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Tw// Mention of Underage Drinking and Drugs

Bad's Pov


Today was Saturday the day of the party yesterday for school nothing really happened it was normal it was a bit weird but it was normal I even heard seniors are gonna come to this party it's crazy the party starts at 8ish pm and me and Niki are currently on our way it was hard to get Niki's parents to agree to come to this party since these parties are known for underage drinking and drugs but she was able to convince her mom.

We finally walked all the way to I think it was Skeppy's house since he said it was we went through some really fancy gate and to his house.


His house was like a mansion wait no it WAS a mansion we saw kids drinking what I hope was fruit punch on the porch we open the door and all you can hear was loud music he had a DJ and everything! As we walked in we were greeted by Skeppy "Oh I'm so glad you guys came!" He said with an odd smile on his face. Sooner or later Skeppy left to go greet some other guest makes sense since he is the host of this party.

"Sooooo what now?" Niki asked. If I was gonna be completely honest I have never been to a party like this so I really don't know what people do. "I really don't know," I said. We sat there awkwardly as we went upstairs as it was way calmer upstairs no one was there sure there were a few in the bedroom but that was it. Me and Niki leaned against a wall where it was a hallway on the left side we stood there for a bit the music wasn't loud up here you could perfectly hear your friend without loud music interrupting the person..

After of a couple of minutes me and Niki heard a familiar voice it was Skeppy he was talking to some kid who looked much older than him maybe 5-4 years older than us so maybe 19 or 18 years old since I and Niki were bored we decided to eavesdrop their conversation.

Skeppy's Pov

"Yes, dude I told you I'll pay you extra for letting me use your house," I told the owner of the house. He was getting kind of pricey for letting me use his house for parties "Look Skeppy I know you are just a kid but you don't need all of this to gain popularity like I know you are telling all these kids this is your house you don't all of this just to gain popularity who even needs popularity? Come on now" The guy said trying to knock some sense into me he doesn't know what he is talking about. "You're getting paid either way so don't try to back out we are in the middle of a party you wouldn't want to ruin it wouldn't you?" I said trying to manipulate him. The guy shrugged and stopped he walked away I guess that means I won again.

out of nowhere, I hear whispering from the end of the hall was someone eavesdropping on us?

Bad's POV

"So this is not even his house?!" Niki whispered to me. "Seems like it" I Whispered. I heard footsteps from the hallway oh god please not let it be Skeppy. Niki covered her mouth not wanting to get caught.

"W-what are you Lose- I mean friends doing here?! How much did you guys hear?" And of course, it was Skeppy. Niki pretended she was asleep on the shoulder DID SHE JUST? she is smart I should have pretended to be asleep as well. I pretended I was on the phone with my mom but of course, it was obvious my phone wasn't even on. "I know you're not on the phone," He said. I continued that I was on the phone with whoever Skeppy eventually left.

''Psst, he is gone" I told Niki She 'woke' up. "So he really is only doing this for his poor ego?" She said. "I guess I mean that's what it seems like I thought you told me he was rich?" I asked Niki. "Well his parents always picked him up in expensive cars and he wears a lot of expensive clothing I would think he is rich?" She said. "That doesn't make any sense why he paid someone to act like this was his house but I don't think we should go deep into his personal life we just got on his good side you know," I said. Niki agreed as we headed back downstairs we sat on the couch as everyone was dancing we were just the awkward kids just sitting down.

A few minutes went by and the music stopped It look like Skeppy was gonna say a speech well I guess 2nd hand embarrassment It comes. Skeppy grabbed the mic and tapped on it to get everyone's attention me and Niki were kind of in front of him since the couch was in the middle of the DJ set and that is where Skeppy was at.

"Hello! Can I get everyone's attention!" He yelled everyone put their full attention to Skeppy "I just wanna say thank you, everyone, for coming I really didn't think all these people would come like come on we have kids from that nerd club and I mean come on who would invite kids who dose math for fun? But besides that, we have Seniors and kids from the football team here its amazing even blondie and 4 eyes too! Speaking about them I just wanna say Blondie and 4 eyes we were never friends NOW DROP THE SPOIL MILK AND ROTTEN EGGS!"

you gotta be kidding me...

Out of nowhere 3 boys from the football team poured 3 large buckets and spoiled milk some kids were even throwing rotten eggs at us. People were recording everything and putting it all over social media not to mention we smell horrible our clothes were ruined. Me Niki ran out of the house it ran to my house.

Time Skip to 1 hour later.

Me and Niki were at my dinner table sitting down and thinking about what just happened we both got cleaned up and sprayed Febreze all over the house since it smelled horrible I open my phone to see people on Instagram making fun of us and the video clip someone uploaded the video to the school Instagram and label it as 'Freshmen Prank' when we know damn well it was only for us to get embarrassed I saw Niki trying to open her phone but I quickly slapped it out of her hand "Is it that bad?" She asked I nodded without saying a word.

"Well then I'm not going to school on Monday you skipping with me?" Niki asked "I guess so," I said. Niki stayed at my house until 3 am then her mom picked her up, her mom was a bit confused why she was wearing oversized clothes that weren't Niki's but Niki was too tired to explain.

 I imminently went to bed and hope Sunday I can just stay in my bed and forget that the word exists.

Word Count 1216

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