Chapter 8 What a little Rat

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Badboyhalo's POV


I got home after I checked Niki's house I opened the door to see Skeppy on the couch on his phone "Let me guess you guys worked things out?" He asked I sighed as I nodded my head no "Oh? this plan might work then" He mumbled "Huh?" I asked "N-nothing don't worry," He said. I shook it off as I got sheets and blankets for Skeppy as I put it on over the couch. "Well sorry about that Bad'' Skeppy said. "Its whatever I'll try to talk to her on Monday I'll give her some space," I said.

I walked over to the kitchen as I make myself some soup I went to my room to put the necklace that I got in my jewelry box the jewelry box isn't actually a jewelry box it's just a box my ex gave it to me for my 13th birthday now that I think about it me and my ex kind of just broke up is this how fast you should get over a relationship? I feel like that's a bit wrong. I shrugged it off as I put the essential oils on my shelf near my bed as I put my crystals away. I pick an essential oil to try it out I rubbed it on my arm not too much since I just got it. I turned around and- "HOLY MUFFIN WHAT YOU SCARED ME!"

"Oops sorry," Skeppy said. "I got bored when you left," He said I took a moment to catch my breath "Ever heard of knocking?" I asked. "Eh I don't like doing it," He said. I laughed as I laid down on my bed trying not to get to comfortable since I still have my regular clothes on. Skeppy laid down as well on the bed he forcefully turned my face to face his he grabs my arm and starts to smell it? "Uhhh Skeppy what are you doing?!?" I said as yank my arm back. "I just realized how weird that was sorry I thought I smelled the thingy and I was right," He said. I got up from the bed as I picked out what pajamas I was gonna wear, I got a black shirt and some red sweat pants I go to the bathroom and change quickly I walk out to see Skeppy in my blankets.

"Skeppypyyy I'm tired get out of my blankets I want to feel the graceful feeling going in the covers" I whined. Skeppy made a snoring sound which was obviously fake I go to the opposite side where Skeppy was as I tried to kick Skeppy off but he ended up grabbing my leg to pull himself up. I sighed as I left the bed to go to the living room. '' Waittt Badddd come backkk" He whined. I closed the door to the room and grabbed my phone I sat down on the couch thinking about what should I do.

I just need to talk to an old friend.

Skeppy is a good friend and all but we don't know each other will so I don't wanna dump all my feelings onto him. I sighed as I got my phone and called an old friend of mine. 

"I need someone to dump all my emotions are you free to come over?"

"Already on my way"

I ended the call as I stepped outside out of my house with my slippers on waiting for my friend. Not even 5 mintiness later he was here. "Hey, Eret long time no see," I said as I hugged him. "Yeah you to" He said. I open the door to see Skeppy on the couch on his phone. "Oh you have a new partner in guess?" They asked. "Oh no no no Skeppy is just a friend," I said. Even though I wasn't the one to get friend-zoned it still hurts saying friend well I mean we are friends but I wished we could be closer but I cant take things too far we just started hanging out.

"Im a bit confused? You have your friend here but you want me here as well?" Eret asked. "Well I don't know Skeppy well no offense and a lot of things have been going on so I really just need to dump everything on someone," I said. Eret nodded his head "Are you gonna dump it here or your room? I haven't been there in so long has anything changed? Oh my god, where is that Trip Kissing poster I got for you?" Eret said. I laughed as I can tell he got a little ahead of themselves 

Eret made his way to my room as I stayed in the living room "I really don't know why you wanted to stay over but I'm gonna talk to my friend about some private stuff so you can either stay here for like hours and do nothing or do whatever I guess. Try not to go upstairs please" I said

Skeppy nodded as he jumped on the couch trying to get comfy I made my way to my room as I see Eret looking at my room looking at stuff I replaced and what I kept "You act like you haven't come in here for years if anything the last time you came in here was about 4ish months ago" I said. I closed the door as I sat down on my bed as Eret did the same but on the floor

''So?" He asked

I laughed because it looked like he was a kid waiting for their parents to tell them a bedtime story. I decided to let it all out.

1 hour later

Skeppy's POV


I walked upstairs to Bad's room I know damn well I shouldn't be in his business but I think I already know what its gonna be about. I got a notification on my phone I checked it out it said

"Nihachu Has gone live! Come watch with 150 Viewers! "Playing Minecraft with CptPuffy!"

Now, who's gonna tell Bad. I giggled as I really shouldn't that's kind of messed up. Eh whatever I put my ear on the door and start recording the conversation they were pretty easy to hear. I stopped recording since I didn't want him to say something personal. I every so slightly opened the door to what I saw was Bad crying on his bed and that Eret guy hugging him


I took a picture of that and sent it to my friend's group chat just so I can save it for no reason else. I carefully make my way back on the couch and pretend I fell asleep. I look at the group chat with a couple of my friends with them responding to the message.

Zelkham "Dude Skeppy don't you think you're going a bit too far? That's like hella private"


George "Dude stfu Zelk this is funny as fuckkk"

Zelkham "You guys might think its funny but this is fucked up you need to stop"

Skeppy "Yeah it is kind of messed up but this is amazing he makes it too easy"

Zelkham"I'm not joking Skeppy you need to stop this is fucked up"

Zelkham was kicked from the Groupchat

"Whatever" I mumbled to myself. I put my phone down and tried to fall asleep.


Word Count 1233

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