Chapter 4 This really is hell...

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Badboyhalo's Pov


A full week has passed by since the party and I refuse to make any eye contact with anyone, not even the teachers or the kids at my school I still hear kids saying "is that the guy who got thrown with spoiled milk with that girl?". Niki, of course, is the only one I talk to, her mom found out she was getting bullied online and in person so her mom took her phone away to distract her from it but she cant of course take Niki out of school, I mean she already paid for it. I still hear kids and especially Skeppy yelling "Oh Milk boy!~ I spilled my milk can you clean it for me?" and then them laughing at the end of it.

I stopped responding to all the hateful comments because every single time I do reply to it they make me sound like an idiot and then I end up embarrassing myself AGAIN so that's why I refuse to talk to anyone.


A bit of a time skip but in the past owo

Skeppy's POV The day of the party...

Those idiots got what they deserved eavesdropping in my PRIVATE conversation what the hell! We just got done pulling the 'prank' on them and I feel good that would make them not spread those rumors about me. 

"YO Skeppy what the hell man?" I heard a voice in the back, It was one of my friends Zelk "Dude you have been harassing Niki for like YEARS now and we told you to just drop it I kind of feel bad what we are doing to her poor girl probably had a little bit of confidence and now you just threw it away I didn't know you were going after her and her friend I thought you were going after those nerds over there but seriously Skeppy if you have a real reason I guess to mess with her tell me but if you don't just let it go this is gone a bit far don't you think?" Zelk said

Zelk was right I did go a bit too far but No. I can't she heard me and her friend heard me as well in that private conversation and the reason why I bully Niki is embarrassing I'm not gonna tell Zelk. 

This really is hell

Niki's POV Present time

"Mom please don't make me do this!" My mom was dragging me to Skeppy's house so Skeppy can apologize to me but this would make everything worse. "Look Niki I don't wanna have my daughter being bullied in the first month of school come on!" She said. We were already in the car driving to his house. A couple of minutes we made it there and my mom pulled me in front of the door of Skeppy's mansion, She then starts banging on the door demanding for someone to open the door.

A few minutes went by at my mom screaming and banging at the door and someone finally opened it 'yay' but it wasn't Skeppy probably his parents but god damn if this is his dad he looks hella young "I'm sorry Mrs but what seems to be the problem I just woke up" He said. Why the hell he looks so familiar "Look your son has been bullying my daughter since 6th grade! And she is now in high school and he is still doing it not to mention he had a party here last week and you probably didn't even know! " My mom yelled at the guy. The guy looked disappointed and had the most annoyed face ever

"If you mean Skeppy come inside let's talk," 

BadBoyHalo's POV persent time

Today is a Monday and I think Niki decided to skip school but I've been getting in trouble for not showing up so Name of the father the son of the holy spirit I go to school and I make it out alive. I walk to Niki's house making sure if she was coming or not but no one answered so I'm taking that as a not here.

I go to school and instead of going to my locker I go straight to class I don't wanna interact with people. the first bell rang the teacher goes on with the day calling role call but mid-way calling our names she gets a call on the school phone. "Sorry about that class but Badboyhalo and Skeppy please report to the principal office," She said. WHAT THE F- MUFFIN I don't wanna be anyway near him I grab my things QUICKLY and made my way to the office.

"Woah Woah Woah hold your horse's Milk boy you're going too fast!" Skeppy yelled down the hallway. He runs and made his way to me. "I have a name and you should use it and stop calling me 'Milk boy' it's annoying'' Skeppy sighed "It's a joke! What you guys don't have jokes were your from?" He said. First, off it is not a joke its a way of harassment "Well our jokes where I'm from are supposed to be funny," I said

Skeppy stopped talking as we made our way to the office there were a lot of kids in the office so it wasn't just us. After I wanna say an HOUR they called our names we sat down in the room with the door close as our school counselor sat in front of us. "I'm sorry that we had to bring you guys out from learning but I'm gonna make this quick. Since you guys are friends I thought it would be nice to pair you guys up! What for? Well you see Skeppy you haven't been getting good grades and we had to fire a teacher because they tried to up your grade from an 'F' To an 'A' on a very important state test and we can't let that F stay there so we are giving you a chance to retake that test but we are gonna need someone to tutor you and school funds has been very low so we can not afford you a private tutor so why not one of your classmate! and your friend! you guys will get everything done and Bad I see you have been lacking in your attendance if you do this we will put perfect attendance on your record and it's not like you have any choice" 

She then gave us a piece of paper to dialog what we learned each day our tutor days were Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and it says if need more help do Friday but that's optional Skeppy then grab my phone and put his contact in it but he didn't put my contact in his phone "Are you gonna give me your number or what?" He said annoyed he got a bit scary when he was mad I type my number on his phone and when I gave it back to him he walked away.

I walk back to my next class as if it was any normal day. Fudgeeeee today is Monday meaning that I have to tutor Skeppy today.

This really is hell


Word Count 1180



AGAIN sorry I wasn't able to post sooner testing has been up to my ass for a while and I finished it B) so I will TRY to upload two chapters a week depending on how I feel.

Again thank you so so so osososossososoosososo SO much on the support on this book I've written other fanfics on different accounts and this book really just blew up hopefully we can keep that support going <3 Yet again thank you so much

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