Chapter 6 Jealous Niki

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BadBoyHalo's POV



Skeppy was still at my house we finished our work like an hour ago but we started telling stories over the past week I was talking about how Niki got scared at Knots scary farm and spilled her milk on herself.

 I didn't wanna come off as I was talking bad about Niki it was just a funny story. "Pfft I remember when we were younger and Niki couldn't open her milk carton and she tried so hard and she ripped it and it spilled EVERYWHERE when I mean everywhere it even started a food fight it was crazy!" Skeppy said as we were on the burst of breaking down into laughing even more.

"Food fight?!?! Oh my god, you guys had such a cool school experience my elementary school 'experience was me getting homeschooled by my grandpa it was horrible!" I yelled feeling confident what I was saying.

"You were homeschooled?!?! That makes so much sense! But I always wondered how did that work? I always thought it was like one of your parents teaching you" Skeppy asked.

"I mean my grandpa used it be a teacher back then and my parents are those super protective parents so they wanted me to be homeschooled but learning while being homeschooled was a hit or miss, I could wake up whenever and do my work whenever only downside is I was the only person there so every question I didn't know I was forced to answer it I guess that is what made me smart? I guess I'm not too sure I for sure missed a big part of my childhood there tho" I said trying not to darken the mood.

"I relate to that" Skeppy mumbled "Hm?" I asked, He shook his head "Anyways I think it's getting late you should really head home before curfew" I said. Skeppy sighed and got his things I walked him out of the house.

"This might sound weird but today was fun I never really had the chance to look back in the past and tell stories I forgot happened I'll be looking forward to coming tomorrow," He said as he waved his hand goodbye, I wave back and closed the door.


"It's like he changed he is not that bully he is a normal kid just like us well besides the money he is funny can be a bit of a troll but that's what makes his personality amazing he is just so caring he is cute and polite"


"I  in l-love"


Niki's POV

A few hours have passed since I've been at Bad's house and all of Bad's Instagram feed and story is just him and Skeppy are they friends now?? They are really close together their hands are 

t-touching Is he wearing B-Bad's hoodie? I don't like Bad as in romantic but as his friend, this kind of hurts he knows has much I don't like Skeppy, and the fact he would post this publicly it just hurts 

I'm jealous of their friendship

Bad knows he is my only friend why would he do this? you know what I'm probably overreacting it's not like they are gonna be making out in a couple of months if anything they are just gonna be those people who wave in the hallway but never talk.

I put my phone on the charger and turned it off, that was enough social media for me. Don't worry Niki tomorrow they are gonna be at each other's throats they always are.

I went to bed hoping tomorrow will be a good day


Next Day


I woke up remembering everything that happened last night it felt like I had a knot in my stomach and I cant untie it. I quickly got dressed for school I opened my door as I was greeted by Bad but he wasn't alone he was with Skeppy... "uh Bad can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked "Oh yeah of course," He said. I quickly grabbed Bad and pushed him inside my house and closed the door.

"What is that jerk face doing here?!" I asked "Relax Niki the principal recommended we stayed together the entire day so when we go to tutoring we are right next to each other and Skeppy doesn't mind he also said he wanted to get to know us a bit better" Bad said.

"Bad are you kidding me?!? you remember the last time we trusted him!" I yelled, "Yes I know but we can at least give him a chance you know?" Bad said. I Sighed ''Fine but in any way he messes with our friendship I'm kicking him out of this 'friend group' " I said "Okay" Bad said.

I open the door as we walked to School with Shit head with us, him and Skeppy were talking the entire way to school I swear I just wanna push Skeppy or at least rip off my ears. We made it to school "Yo I think I'm gonna use the restroom" I said as I left the two alone I got to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face I took a look at myself in the mirror and I started crying.

Out of nowhere one of the restroom stalls open "You okay?" I looked behind me to see a girl I had math with she was really smart she got outed as Bisexual last year after that she didn't talk to anyone I heard she even broke up with her boyfriend since it got too much for her.

"Y-yeah no," I said. the girl walked closer and opened her arms I quickly hugged her "Just let it all out" She said. After she said that I really let it all out "Your Niki right? I always see Skeppy bully you sorry I was never able to help you, whenever I see people get bullied I feel like a sheep going back to its flock and not going out of the group of people" She said

"Its fine don't worry" I let go of the hug I took notice of what she looked like she had a split dyed one side brown and the other white she had long hair going down her back "Im Puffy if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always open I sadly have to get going before class starts," She said as she gave me a piece of paper with her phone number before I can say goodbye she disappeared, I added her contacts to my phone and wrote 'Captin Puffy' as a nickname since she gave me pirate and steampunk vibes.

I splashed water in my face again as the bell just rang I got my bag and made it to class.

Word Count 1167


Does anyone like the idea of Niki being jealous :eyes: 

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