Chapter 1

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~~Third Peron P.O.V~~

Jake woke up shivering, no blanket, no pillow, no shirt, no mattress.

He tried to get up, but was hand cuffed down to the bed. He sighed and then the door opened. Then in came Alissa Violet.

Alissa: Well, well, well, look who's awake.

Jake had pure fear in his eyes. Alissa came towards him with a baseball bat. And swung it at him, making him try to hold in his screams.

Alissa kissed him, Jake was going to kiss her back, but she ended up biting his lip making it bleed. Jake's eyes widened, then Alissa stopped kissing, biting him and put her nails into Jakes skin making him squirm. Her nails was really sharp.

Alissa: Good boy.

She got the key and unlocked the handcuffs.

Alissa: Now. Don't. Tell. Anybody. Got it?

Alissa said threateningly.

Alissa: Got it!

Alissa shouted. Jake nodded and when Alissa left and heard the front door shut, he walked into the bathroom and something caught his eye.

Jake saw a blade... he walked towards it and picked It up. He put it on his arm about to pull it across till Erica walked in.

Erica: Hey Jake, Lo-

She cut herself off, as she saw Jake holding a blade to his wrist. Jake quickly dropped the blade, and then Erica took one step back.

Erica: What were you doing?

Erica asked.

Jake: N-nothing! Just, uhm cleaning up.

Jake made an excuse.

Erica: Was you about to cu-?

Jake: Hey! I'll meat you downstairs.

Jake practically pushed Erica out off his room. After Erica was out, he took of his shirt and looked in the mirror.

Jake: I look horrible...

Jake thought to himself.

Jake just got the blade again and quickly cut a line on the top of his wrist. He looked at the blood running off of the blade. He washed his wrist and put the blade away and put a black T-shirt on, black Jeans and a Black jumped on over the top.

Jake sighed, then walked out of his room and down to the kitchen and saw everybody, there, talking, laughing, just haven fun.

Jake got a glass off water and looked out off of the window, he went to the front door and walked out. He has been learning to skate bored for just over a year now.

He's a naturally. He got his skate bored, to take his mind off of things. He got on the bored and went up the ramp, did a flip and jump's and everything.

I sighed as I went back inside and saw Thor. Thor ran over to him and licked his side, where his bruise is.

Jake: I'm fine Thor!

Jake reassured him. Jake was going to walked back to his room, till Thor came upto him and growled, trying to not let him go upstairs.

Thor, then went to the front door, wanting for Jake to take him out. Jake sighed and shouted for Apollo. Soon Apollo came and the three of them went outside. Jake sat on the grass, watching Thor and Apollo.

~~Meanwhile with Logan~~

Logan walked down the stairs and grabbed his keys. He walked into the living room and saw the others.

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