Chapter 2

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As Logan drived down the street, back to Jake's house, he noticed how quite Jake is, and he seems sad, he is just sitting there staring out off the car window.

They finally reached the Team 10 house, they both got out, Logan got out with his backpack. They walked over to the front door and then walked in.

"Jake!" Erica yelled, then ran over and hugged him.

Erica then slapped Jake across the face, all of the Team 10 members gathered around.

"What was that for!?" Jake shouted. Which some of the Team 10 members chuckled, seeing her mom side showing.

"For being late home!" She yelled, which made the others laugh and Jake chuckle a bit. He then felt fear going all the way through him, as he saw Alissa on the stairs.

"Jake!" Alissa called from the stairs and everybody stopped what they were doing, then looked up at Alissa. Everybody suspected something from Alissa. They all got protective off Jake, as he is like family to them all.

They all stared at Alissa, and saw Jake gulp, as Alissa finally came down, then kissed Jake, biting his tongue.

Jake pulled back, then Jake stood up straight, then walked into the kitchen, to get a drink. When he got into the kitchen all of Team 10 followed him, as did Alissa.

Logan sat down closer to Jake then the other's.

Jake drank the water, as Logan saw Alissa dig her nails into his arm. She then grabbed his arm, and pulled him a bit, making him drop the cup into the sink, making a noise, as everybody looked up to him he apologised.

They all saw Alissa gripping at Jake's arm, then Tydus came running into the room, with Trav, Cor and RyRy trailing closely behind.

Trav and Cor saw Alissa holing on to Jakes arm.

Jake got out of Alissa grip, then kneeled down in front of Tydus.

"Hey buddy!" Jake said, as he hugged Tydus, Jake then picked him up and stood up.

"Jake!" Tydus shouted, as Jake put him on the side, after winging him around, making him laugh and dizzy. Tydus sat on the side, while trying to sit up straight making Jake laugh.

"Hey Jake!" Trav said, as he sat RyRy on the side as well.

Jake smiled at them, then back to the little boy, he saw as a little brother. Jake chuckled to himself, when he remembered how him and Logan used to be, when they were little, but he was soon snapped out of his thought, when he felt someone wrap an arm round his waist.

Jake knew it was Alissa and tensed up, but it once again didn't go unnoticed by Team 10, Trav, Cor and Logan.

"Hey Jake! Mind if we talk to you?" Logan asked, gesturing to Team 10.

"Uhm sure?" Jake asked, he then pulled Alissa off of him, which Alissa, wrapped her arms around Jake again.

"Jake's not going anywhere without me!" Alissa shouted, and Team 10 and Logan glared at her, Jake sighed, then turned around, pulling Alissa off of him.

"I'll be back babe!" Jake said, as Alissa glared right into his green eyes. Jake shifted a bit starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Fine." Alissa said, then kissed Jake's cheek, leaving a bit of a red mark, on his neck, where she has been digging his nails into his neck.

Jake walked over to Logan and he pulled him outside, with Team 10 following behind.

"What's up?" Jake asked, as he rubbed his neck, where it has been hurting him, cause Alissa, leaving marks on his neck, from her nails and her biting him.

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