Chapter 5

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Once Team 10 got back home, Jake went upto his house, but Logan wanted to ask him something.

The Team was all in the living room, as Logan walked upto Jake's bedroom.

Logan knocked onto his door, as he might off been doing something.

"Jake?" Logan shouted at the other side of the door. Jake was originally in the bathroom, and he then went to the couch, that was trill he heard Logan.

"Come in!" Jake yelled, as Logan opened the door and saw Jake sat on the couch, on his phone. Logan went and sat down on the opposite side of him.

"Hey Logan, what's up?" Jake askes, as he put's his phone away, then leaned back, looking at Logan.

"Uhm, well I've been meaning to ask you something, for the past two days now..." Logan said, nervously, which kind of surprised him.

Jake looked down at the floor, then looked back upto him.

"Well then, what's up bro?" Jake asks, as Logan leaned back, as well and he then looks up and then at Jake.

"Well, I was wondering if me and uhm, Team Maverick could stay... here, for about a few mouths, but only till we find an house?" Jake looked shocked, and then looked down and runned his hand through his hair.

"Uhm, well what's wrong with your old house?" Jake said, as he bit his lip.

"Well, Uhh funny story actually," Logan laughed nervously. "We Uhh, kinda got invicted" Logan said quickly, but Jake caught it, then groaned.

"Only you Logan!?" Jake shouted, as he put his head in his hands, "And, yes you and Team Maverick could stay here for as long as you want. But we need to set some ground rules!" Jake said.

"Thank you lil bro!" Logan hugged Jake, as Jake hugged back and then they broke and Logan left.

Jake sighed, as he started to leave his bedroom, but he got pushed back from the door, and landed down on his butt.

Jake looked up and saw Alissa smirking, while looking down at him. Jake gulped, as Alissa locked the door and dragged Jake by the collar off his shirt.

"Now, nobody can interrupt us." Alissa sat in Jake's ear, as she kissed him and bit his lip. Jake tried getting her off, but Alissa put her heel in his ankle on both, which really hurt.

Jake groaned.

~~(After well, you know)~~

Alissa, left a shirtless Jake lying on his bed, while she left. Jake slowly got up and looked at his ankles, and saw two massive scratches on both.

'Guess he could have to wear socks, for until they heal..." Jake thought to himself, as he got off of the bed and limped over to the bathroom.

He had hickys all over his chest and one of his neck. Jake sighed, then got a black T-shirt and black jumper on. He then got some black socks and put them on, then got some off the make up what he brought, then put it on the hicky on his neck.

Jake sighed, then left his bathroom, then left his bedroom, after getting his phone. He put his phone into his pocket, then went to the kitchen.

"You okay Jake?" Jake looked up to see Erika, Blue, Anthony and Nick there. Jake put on a face smile.

"Y-Yeah, I'm g-good!" Jake stuttered.

'Damn, this stuttering!!' Jake thought, as he went over to the side and got some water.

"You sure? Cause, you have massive bags under your eyes, then you look horrible!" Erika said, as Logan only just stepped in, when she started her sentence.

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