Chapter 4

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Jake goes down to the garden, through the kitchen and sits down and watches the view. As Alissa came up behind him, and put a hand on his leg.

"Hello, pretty boy!" Alissa said, as she sat next to him, Jake tensed as he felt her nails going into his leg and she pulled them down.

"I let you off without pane, for two days now." Alissa whispered into my ear.

Anthony just got back from the shop, as well and got out of the car and heard voices in the garden, so he went around the back and saw Jake and Alissa there.

He sat down and watched them, till he saw Logan above him looking over at them on the balcony.

"Psst!!" Anthony whispered to Logan, which he looked down to him and snuck down and sat next to him.

"How long have you been here?" Logan asked him, as he didn't take his eyes off of Jake.

"Just got here." Anthony whispered.

"Same!" Logan whispered back, as they both started to watch them. They had a pretty good view, so they could see there faces and there whole body, just not theres backs.

They saw Jake tense up and saw Alissa put her hand on Jakes leg, as they also saw her hook her nails into his leg. But just in case Jake denied it Anthony recorded it all.

"Jake!" They heard a little voice say, as they all turned there heads to see Tydus and his family. They watched Tydus run all the way to Jake, as Alissa pulled her nails out, as Jake flinched, at that, since it was still hooked under his skin.

"Hey, Tydus buddy!" Jake shouted, as he went on his knees and Tydus hugged Jake.

"I want candy!!" Tydus yelled, as Anthony and Logan saw Alissa glare at him and Jake smile and chuckled softly.

"Okay buddy!" Jake said, as he got up and picked up Tydus. Alissa smirked at Jake, as he turned around, while Tydus was looking the other way.

"Oh, that b*tch!" Logan whisper yelled.

"We will stop her." Anthony whispered.

They watched as Alissa headed there way and then saw a guy sneak up to Alissa. They ducked, as they were infront of them. They saw Alissa kiss the guy and the guy kiss back.

"That b*tch is also cheating on him!" It was Anthony's turn to whisper shout.

Logan and Anthony snuck up the stairs and then went into the kitchen, then saw Jake give a lollipop to Tydus and RyRy.

"Yummy!" RyRy yelled.

"Yeah RyRy!" Tydus also yelled.

Jake chuckled softly, as they saw Alissa walk into the kitchen and kissed Jake's cheek, then gripped onto his side.

"Could I borrow Jake for a moment please?" She said.

"Yeah, sure!" Cor said, as she was holding RyRy.

Alissa smiled, then dragged Jake away.

"Wait!" Anthony shouted, as everybody who was in the kitchen, even Jake and Alissa, as they were still in the kitchen, looked at him and Logan.

"Hey Jake, what time is it?" Anthony asked, as Jake looked to his watch.

"12:45. Why?" Jake asked.

"Great! Wanna go dirt biking at the dirt tracks?" Logan butted in, as Jake's face lit up.

"Sure!" Jake almost shouted, as Alissa glared at Jake.

Jake gulped.

"Actually-" Jake got cut off by Anthony.

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