Chapter 6

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~~ThirdPerson P.O.V~~

Once Alissa came in and walked upto Jake and gripped onto his arm, as the other's just glared at her. Jake tensed up and flinched, as she touched him.

"H-Hey Babe..." Jake muttered, as Alissa, dragged his head down a bit and kissed him on the lips, then he pulled back and stood up straight.

"Baby, can I talk to you?" Alissa asked Jake, who slowly nodded.

"S-Sure?" Jake questions on why he said sure. Alissa, put on a fake innocent smile, as she happily went out of the gym door.

Jake sighed and hesitantly walked out of the gym slowly.

"Babe, You coming?" Jake heard Alissa shouting, as he went to wear Alissa was.

Jake walked into his bedroom, as he did not see Alissa at all. He walked into the room further, then there was a slam. He slowly turned around, then saw Alissa, there hand on the back of the door, locking it.

She slowly walked upto Jake, as he slowly backed away. To say he was scared? No! He was absolutely petrified.

Alissa wacked him across the face, as she kicked his ankle, making him fall to the ground on his knees, holding his ankle, as she took this oppunity to knee him in the face.

Jake went flying back, holding his face, as Alissa kicked his ribs. She wouldn't stop kicking, punching, throwing things and stamping on him.

After about an hour, she was done, then exited the bedroom after un-locking it, then closing it on her way out. Jake groaned as he got up, then looked at himself in the mirror, as he saw all sorts of marks.

He sighed, when one caught his eye. It was a bruise, with a cut on it. Jake sighed, as he got some bandages, then out them all over his chest, he then wrapped his ankle, then arms, after he showered of course.

He then heard a knock on his doors.

"Jake?" He heard, Jake quickly grabbed a black T-shirt, since it wasn't white, cause it would be see through.

"One sec!" Jake shouted, as he put on some joggers, with some socks, then some NIKE trainers. Jake sighed, as he covered up a cut what was on his left eye, with some make-up.

Jake made his way upto his door, then opened it seeing Mike.

"Uhh, hey Mike, what's up?" Jake asked, as he leaned on the door frame. Mike saw how messy his room was behind him.

"We are all going out for dinner." He said, as Jake put on a fake smile.

"Y-Yeah! Okay," Jake closed the door behind him, as he went back into his room and got his phone, then put it in his hoodie. To be honest, he really didn't want to go for a meal.

Jake went down stairs, seeing everybody there, he got down.

"Ready to go?" Anthony said, (Also the team had told the other's about Alissa abusing Jake. And Alissa isn't joining them)

"Actually, I don't think I am going to go..." Jake muttered, which everybody heard, they all shared a look, which said 'what's up with him'.

"Oh, no!" Erika yelled, as she walked upto Jake and grabbed onto his ear, "You are coming, whether you like it or not! We have not had a family night out for ages!"

Jake sighed, knowing he won't escape Erika wrath. Everybody followed outside, as Jake was being dragged out by Erika.

"Okay, Okay! I know, I will go, just let go!!" Jake yelled, as Erika let go and he held onto his ear. After Anthony locked the front door, they all pilled into the Team 10 van.

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