Chapter 8

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~~ThirdPerson P.O.V~~

Logan and Anthony imminently recognised this man to be the man Alissa is cheating on Jake with. Logan's eyes turned to rage, but Anthony pushed him back a little, and pushed him to the back of everybody and calmed him down, then they both moved back upfront and it was still the same from when they went at the back of everybody.

"Watch where your going you little brat!" The man shouted, as he pushed Jake back a bit and again he caught his balance with the help of Mike and Spencer.

Tydus came running infront of Jake and hugged him, the man was about to hit him but Jake moved Tydus behind him, his arm wrapped around him and he ended up getting his in the chest, as he winced in pane.

Logan immediately went forward his protective side showing. Tydus hugged Jake from behind, as Jake kept his arm around him protectively.

Jake stood up straight stopping Logan, as he was still behind him, still coming up infront of Jake, but Jake just stopped him, as Tydus wouldn't let go of Jake.

Jake sighed, then kept on arm around Tydus, as he was still behind Jake, arm wrapped around him protectively.

"You don't touch him!" Jake shouted, as the man laughed, then stepped towards Jake, making him tense and holding Tydus closer and tighter.

"And what if I do!" The man shouted, as both of the teams blood boiled. Jake's blood also boiled, as he was talking bad about the little boy, who was like a little brother to him.

"He your son?" The man asks quite harshly.

"Seriously?" Jake says, as he felt two people hugging him, he saw RyRy also hugging one of his legs, with one hand on Tydus arm.

"Aww, you don't want me to hurt these little cuties!" The man bent down both hands on both off his knees, him bent over looking at Tydus and RyRy, as Jake growled and Tydus and RyRy hugged tighter.

"Back. Off!" Jake shouted, as the team stepped closer to him. Logan stepped even closer to Jake, as he saw the mans hand turn into a fist.

"You are gonna send your friends on me?" The man laughed, as Jake looked down and took a deep breath trying to contain himself. Jake's hands turned into fists, as he talked back about the two little kids.

"No..." Jake muttered, as he looked at them telling them to back off, as they all took a little step back, but Logan didn't. He just glared down the guy.

"Come on! Like they would listen to a piece of sh*t like you!" The man shouted, as Jake looked down and Tydus stepped infront of Jake and hugged him.

"Don't call him names!" Tydus yelled, as the man laughed again.

"Like, I'm going to little to you!" The man whispered to Tydus getting to close to his face. Jake put an arm on his back holding him closer.

The mans hands turned into fists again, as he was about to punch Tydus, but before be could Jake quickly out of instinct to protect, turned around to the man punched his back instead. Anger burned through Logan and the team.

"Hey! I have had enough!" Logan yelled, as he stepped infront of Jake, "Leave my little brother alone!"

"Aww, you really need protection!" The man yelled, as Jake just bent down to Tydus and RyRy level, Jake kneeled down infront of them, wincing, as he was just punched in the back.

"Shhh!" Jake whispered to the crying children, as they fell into his lap and hugged him, "It's okay..."

Jake glared daggers at the man, as he saw him punch Logan in the chest, Logan was about to fight back, till Jake got up and handed the children to Anthony and Erika, who was the closest people.

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