Chapter 3

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As Jake turned around, he almost jumped out of his skin, as he saw the Team there, talking.

"Seriously! You guys need to stop just popping out of no where without telling me you are there!" Jake shouted.

"Yeah, but you seemed busy over there, while talking to your little friends." Chance said, as they all stood up.

Jake sighed and shook his head, walking up the steps and saw Alissa hanging on the banister up the stairs. He sighed, like his millionth sigh that day.

He turned around to see everybody coming in.

"We should all get some rest." Erica said, as she walked to her bedroom. Eventually everybody went to the room's, so it was just Jake and Logan and Alissa, who was still watching them and of course Logan knew, as he kept on seeing Jake look up.

"Anyway~ You can sleep in my room and I can just sleep on the couch in there?" Jake said, although he was dreading Alissa, as he just gave his room upto Logan.

"No! You take the bed, I will take the couch." Logan said.

"Oh come on! Your the guest. I take the sofa, you the bed, end of story." Jake said, as him and Logan, walked to his room. Jake grabbed a blanket and lied down on the couch, as Logan lied down on the bed, sighing.

Logan fell asleep, as Jake couldn't. Jake got up and walked to the bathroom, rubbing his eyes, as he leaned on the sink and looked into the mirror.

There was currently a scratch on Jake's cheek, but there was make up covering it up.

Jake sighed, then went back into the bathroom, to see Logan, there fast asleep, Jake sighed, as he went to the couch, then back to sleep.

~~In the morning~~

In the morning, Jake woke up and yawned.

'That was the best sleep I had in a while.' Jake thought, as he got out of bed, then realised, Logan wasn't there.

He saw the time, on his phone and it was 9:00AM. Jake sighed, then got on some gym shorts, with a black T-shirt, as most of his cuts on his arms has faded, he just put on a pane T-shirt, as he just rapped his arms up with bandages.

He walked out of his bedroom and it seemed like some of Team 10 was still in bed, but some was who knows where.

Jake walked through the kitchen, not noticing Anthony, Erica and Chance talking on the counter, as he was just rubbing his eyes.

Jake walked to the gym and started running on the tred mill. He then went over to the punching bags, with some gloved on.

~~With Team 10~~

Anthony, Chance, Erica, Blue and Nick was in the kitchen, till Logan walked in with some Starbucks.

"Hey guys!" Logan shouted, as he walked over and placed a bag on the side.

"Hey Logan!" They all shouted back, as Logan sat on the side.

"Where's Jake?" Logan asked, as he looked at the doorway noticing, Tydus, Trav and Cor, holding RyRy.

He turned his attention back to the other's.

"I think Jake headed to the gym?" Anthony guessed, "I mean he came in, but I don't think he saw us, then headed towards the gym."

Logan sighed, then got off of the side, towards the gym.

"I'll see ya guys later!" Logan shouted, as he got into the gym, and saw Jake wearing black gym shorts, white T-shirt, black Nike trainer's, with headphones in.

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