Chapter 7

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~~JakePaul P.O.V~~

The next morning, when I woke up I saw I was on Tydus bed, him curled up on my lap, my hand around him, protectively and him clinging onto my shirt.

I smiled, as I brought my head up and put it back down, banging my head on the bored, forgetting that I was leaning up it.

I slowly got out of bed, with Tydus still on me, I brought my legs over the side of the bed, as Tydus head was now in my lap.

I got up and rested his head on the pillow, then put the blanket on him. I looked at the time on my watch and it was 10:00 I normally wake up at 7:00.

I was shocked I slept that much. I quietly made my way out of Tydus room and I think everybody else, was in their rooms, cause I heard RyRy.

I went down the stairs quietly, as I made it to the kitchen I stretched and yawned, and rubbed the back of my neck, having it hurt quite a bit.

When I got into the kitchen, I didn't realise the others in there. I yawns again, and got some water, then leaned on the side.

"Morning Jake!" I jumped and turned around. I saw Anthony, Mike, Justin, Nike, Dave and Logan. I didn't even see them when I came in. Must be tired.

"Uhh, morning guys." I reply, trying to keep my eyes open.

"You okay?" I looked to, Mike, who has asked. Mike is like an older brother to me, he is like an younger brother to Logan as well, but of course I wouldn't say that to him.

"Uhm, oh! Yeah." I say, as I rub my eye, as I turned my head a bit, till I heard it.

"Baby!" I turn and see my 'girlfriend'. I sigh. I know she abuses me and everything, but I can't help but love her.

And I also think, that everybody else is onto her you know abuse and everything. She pulled me down and kissed my cheek.

I try to resist, but this just feels... wrong! I love her and everything, but I just feel un-confrontable when this happens, so I always pull away and accept my fait later.

"Hey... babe...." I cringe inside, as I call her babe. I turned around again, then look out off the window above the sink and smile, as I see Apollo running around like crazy just being.... free.

"You okay bro?" My big brother, Logan asks, I just slowly nod and stand up straight, getting out of Alissa grip, who just has one of her arms around my arm, then the other wrapped across me, with her nails digging into me, which is not very confrontable.

"Yeah... I'm good!" I put on a fake smile, "I'm going outside!" I shouted.

I run outside, then Apollo runs upto me and jumps at me, causing me to fall over with him lying on top of me.

~~LoganPaul P.O.V~~

After Jake's run out, Alissa walks out and goes to the living room. I glared at her, when she kisses Jake without any warning or nothing.

"I'm gonna go check up on him!" I shout, as I run towards the door in the kitchen.

"I'll come too!" Somebody else shouts, as I look over and see Anthony, I just look at him and he looks back and shrugs.

"What? He's my best friend!" I just roll my eyes, then we go out, but we just walked out, when Jake did, so we saw Apollo run upto him and jumped on him and lie down on him.

Me and Anthony chuckle softly, as Jake gets up and walks over towards us, with Apollo slowly trailing behind him.

Me and Anthony sat down, so he can't see us, then Jake sat down, as Apollo run's around him, then does a lap of the garden, then sits next to Jake.

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