Chapter 9

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The next morning, Jake woke up at 7:00 like he always does. Jake tried to get out of bed, but was soon pulled back down.

Jake forgot about Tydus and RyRy in bed. Jake slowly got up and untangled himself from the two siblings, ad he walked over to the bathroom quietly.

Jake looked at himself in his mirror over the sink, as he walked closer to it. Jake felt a sudden pane go through his back. He winced a bit, as he took his shirt off and saw all of the cuts around his body, they are a bit faint, but not much.

He turned around and looked at his back, to see his bruise/cut was bleeding again. He sighed, then got some bandages, then put them around his back and stomach as tight as he could.

Jake groaned a bit form the pressure on his wound, as he looked up again, then got dressed. (Jake is wearing, what is in the image up top)

Jake heard the bathroom door open and turned around to see Alissa.

'What is she doing here?' Jake thought to himself, as Alissa came upto him and smacked him, kicked hi in the shin, then knees him in the face, as that made his noise bleed.

"See you tonight~" She whispered into Jake's ear, as he pulled himself up. He groaned, as she quietly left the room shutting the door behind her, cause of the kids.

Jake rapped some tissue and whipped his noise, as the bleeding stopped he put his hood up, as he walked out.

He smiled softly at the two kids, as he sat next to Tydus and brushed the hair out of RyRy's face. Tydus eyes fluttered open, as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Mornin' bud!" Jake whispered, as Tydus smiled at him.

"How bout we get you ready, then we wake up RyRy?" Jake said.

"Mhm!" Tydus nodded his head, as they both walked upto the bathroom.

"Can I wear one of your hoodies!" Tydus shouted, as Jake chuckled.

"Sure." Jake said, as they went back into Jake's room, after he got Tydus dressed. Tydus was wearing: White T-shirt, black ripped jeans and some white trainers.

They both went and got Tydus a jumped. He picked out Jake's personal black Team 10 jumped, as Jake woke up RyRy and got her dressed. She wanted to wear a dress.

Jake dressed her in a lovely light pink dress, as RyRy also wore one of Jake's jumped, but the smallest one he had, since she was tiny.

When they were finished it was 8:00, so they all headed down stairs. They saw Anthony and Chance talking in the kitchen.

"Morning guys!" Tydus shouted, as they both looked at them and laughed at what they were wearing.

"They decided they wanted to wear my jumpers." Jake said, as he ruffled Tydus hair.

"Hey guys!" They turned around and saw Trav and Cor smiling, as Tydus and RyRy ran over to them and hugged them.

"They been good?" Trav said, as Jake flinched a bit, when he bended over and leaned on the side, of course Erika saw this, cause she was in the room.

"Right, Jake get over here!" Erika shouted, as Jake huffed then walked over to her, she was at the table. She stood up and pulled Jake's shirt up.

She saw his back wrapped in bandages. She took them off, revealing a blue and purple massive bruise, with a cut with dried blood around it, since Jake couldn't reach his back properly.

They heard Trav and Cor gasp, as the other's sighed.

"What happened?" Cor asked, as she and Trav walked over. They looked at Jakes back, as Jake winced a bit, when Erika got a wet cloth and whiped the dried blood away.

"We all went to the shop yesterday, he bumped into a man and lets say the man wasn't so nice..." Erika sighed, "Tydus went and hugged him upfront, then the man was talking sh*t about Tydus, then he was going to punch him, but Jake moved himself so the man punched him instead..."

Trav and Cor gasped, "Then the man punched me in the stomach, and Jake lost it and beat the man up." Logan said, as he walked into the kitchen over to Jake.

"We are so sorry!" Cor said, as Jake looked up.

"Nah, It's alright!" Jake said, as he flinched a bit, as Erika touched his cut with the cloth. Tydus and RyRy ran around with their new toys.

Trav and Cor saw their new toys, then looked at Jake with questioning looks.

"Yeah..." Jake muttered.

"He spoiled them again!" Mike shouted, as him and Team Maverick walked into the kitchen over to the table, where they were all at.

"What! I couldn't say no could I." Jake shouted, to the team, as they all gave him the 'seriously' look. Jake chuckled nervously, as he realised he could off actually said no.

Erika got some fresh bandages and wrapped them around Jake's back again (Jake also covered his cuts up with makeup, except the one he got from the man, cause the team know about that, but Jake forgot to hide a massive cut, which was on his chest.)

"Come on, take your shirt off! I can't get the bandages all around you." Erika said, as Jake sighed and looked down. He pulled the shirt off of him, as they all saw the cut on his chest.

"Just get it over with..." Jake muttered, as Erika snapped out of her daze and continued to wrap the bandages around him.

"Hey sweetie's!" They all turned and looked to the entrance of the kitchen and saw Pam and Greg entering.

Jake looked down ignoring the glares he was getting from his so called 'father'. Jake got up, as Erika had just finished sorting him out.

Jake got his shirt, then put it back on. Jake went to walk out of the kitchen, but was soon stopped.

"Hey! How about we have a pool party? I mean It's nice and sunny out and the pool is clean." Anthony suggested, as everybody nodded. Jake on the other hand wasn't so sure. He had make up on his cuts, but it will come off in the water, unless he wears a shirt, as well as swimming trunks.

"You in bro?" Logan asked, as Jake turned around and saw everybody looking at him, just then Alissa walked in and held Jakes hand. Jake tensed up, as Pam smiled widely.

"Alissa dear, It's been a while!" Pam said, as she hugged Alissa. Jake went to try to sneak out of the kitchen, till Alissa turned around and glared at him.

"Mind if I talk to Jakey for a moment please?" She asked 'sweetly' to his mom.

"Of course you can dear!" Pam said. Jake cursed under his breath, as Alissa smirked and walked past him, dragging him along.

Logan was going to follow him, but Pam stopped him.

"Give them their own space sweetie. They havnt had any time to their selves, for a while." Pam said, as she dragged him over to the table, where everybody started to worry for the young teen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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