Chapter 1.28:

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I trapped Riley's body between my arms and slid down a little against the wall to use my legs as a barricade on each side of her. My too-long limbs surrounded her at every angle except for the front. At least I could see what was headed our way and had a chance to react before it could get to us.

The music was pounding into my head until I felt nauseous. Between that and the free-flowing adrenaline making its way through my veins, I was wound up way too tight.

I was burning alive.

Riley leaned forward to free herself from me, but I wasn't going to have it. She tugged at my hands on her waist and I readjusted my grip to cement my arms in place over top of her.

"You're going to stay right here," I commanded.

Her body submitted to me instantly, giving up the fight. She knew she wouldn't win a strength contest against me. Even if I was depleted, I was still ten times bigger than she was.

Another few seconds passed and I realized she was still shaking violently and breathing hard.

Was she hurt?

"You ok?" I placed my mouth near her ear to make sure she could hear me.

She nodded and I leaned my head back against the wall to take a deep, relieved breath.

She wasn't hurt. Scared, but not hurt.

I clung to Riley as tight as I could for a few songs, hoping it would help calm her down. The mosh pit mainly stayed a few feet in front of us, except for the random person who was shoved out every now and then. They were all now moving in the same direction after a few songs, creating a huge circling motion like a tornado. The circle made the crowd swell up again, putting us back a little closer to danger than I was comfortable with.

Riley tensed and started leaning harder into me as the motion grew around us. I shifted down on the wall so my long legs could brace better around her to keep anyone from hitting her. Someone would have to break them in order to get at her from the sides.

A random drunk guy spun out of the circle and knocked into Riley before I could get my hand free to push him away. She started to tumble over and I caught her just in time.

I groaned when I felt a sweet pressure squeezing my dick.

When I looked down to figure out what was happening, Riley was standing there watching her hand as she massaged my dick.

What was she doing? I felt lightheaded and high at the same time.

She let go quickly and turned around like it didn't happen. I wasn't sure if it really did or if I was imagining it just because I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my brain.

Maybe I was hit harder in the head than I thought.

My pants started tightening up as the blood began rushing to my sex-deprived cock. It was searching for her hand again and grumbling at me for not helping it find relief.

The heavily distorted thumping music stopped and a slower, more melodic song took its place. I had never heard this one before, which surprised me. It actually wasn't too bad. The effect it had over the whole place was mesmerizing. Apparently, Camo sold their soul to the devil to get this one, half-decent song.

I loosened my grip on Riley when the crowd stopped pulverizing each other and started swaying on their feet. Everyone looked up to the stage in a stupor as if they were in a trance as the bald guy sang out in an eerie drawl.

Even I was feeling it too. Something about the way the music moved through the air was putting me under a spell. There was something simply carnal about the way the notes hung in the air.

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