Chapter 1.39:

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Brynn dramatically rolled around on my lap, hooting and hollering over how pathetic Riley looked in the doorway.  Riley's shoulders were slumped like she was devastated and embarrassed that the whole room was laughing at her expense.

I wiped the moisture from the corner of my eyes and stopped as soon as I saw her face.  I thought Riley would be amused and join in on the fun, but she didn't even crack a tiny smile.

She was too busy staring at the spot where Brynn was holding my hand on her leg to find the humor that the rest of us did. The corners of her mouth pulled down as she stood there watching us without blinking.

Riley was jealous. That meant only good things for me.

I began to pull my hand away from Brynn but stopped when a new idea sprung in my head.  If Riley didn't like the idea of Brynn and me together, then maybe I could use it to my advantage. If I could keep up this little ruse, she would see someone else wanting me and change her mind about the two of us hooking up again.

It was a genius move; girls always seemed to want something another girl had that they didn't.

"Did you murder someone?" Brynn screeched out.

"Go ahead, make fun of me, get it over with. I'm going upstairs to bed. Enjoy your dinner." Riley folded in on herself. She tucked the feisty, attitude-filled girl back under her armor and let out the pouty child version.

"Seriously, what happened?" Anna asked with a worried tone.

"I was training a new girl and she dropped the sauce bucket. Not much of a story. I am going to go change. No more questions. Goodnight." Riley answered curtly as she locked eyes with me.

I wrapped one of my hands back up on Brynn's hip and fought like hell to turn my attention away from Riley. She had to think I moved on from her for this plan to work. I had to make her think I wasn't interested in her.

If she saw even a glimpse of the hunger I had for her on my face, she would know how much I still craved her and my little game would end before it even began.

"Peanut, we were just teasing. Don't be mad. Come back down for dinner. Don't be like that." Mrs. Davis swept it under the rug like it wasn't a big deal.

Riley obviously felt differently.

She darted out of the room and Aiden was up on his feet chasing after her. No one else but him even attempted to move. I wanted to be the one to comfort her, but it would ruin what I was trying to do. It was a risky move to let Aiden jump in, but I had to take it.  I had to wear Riley down tonight until she fell perfectly in my arms. 

I was going to make her come to me.  There was no way I would go to her first or she would continue playing with me like a cat batting at a mouse.

Riley was going to beg for it. 

I yearned to see the ache consuming her body as she thought about me touching her again.  I wanted everything we had the night of the concert and more.  I would never be satisfied until I had her in every conceivable way possible.

I continued to watch the doorway for a long time, waiting for Aiden to come back in. The conversation resumed around the room like nothing had happened. Everyone had gone back to normal except Anna and Mr. Davis.

They were both watching me as I watched the door. 

I diverted my eyes away and listened for Aiden's footsteps instead. I feigned interest in what Brynn was talking about with Mark.  They were going back and forth about dinosaurs or some stupid shit like that.

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