peace and CLAM

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"It's the last day of summer~!" Tendo sang as he entered Selina and Emica's room. "Lina-chan, Emi-chan, get up!! The sun's shining!"

"Emicaaaa." Selina groaned, throwing her pillow over to her roommates end of the room. "What did you do?"

"Do you think I fucking know?" Emica threw the pillow back and groggily sat up. "What are you..." she did a quick headcount, "five, doing here, exactly?"

"It's the last day of summer vacation!" Yamagata announced, also barging into the room uninvited. "Do you know what that fucking means?"

"Suffering with a team that I'm not really apart of?" Emica guessed.

"Being dragged and taken away from my once peaceful place on the earth?" Selina asked.

"What- No." Reon shook his head. "Where are you getting these thoughts from? Have you two officially gone insane from this world?"

"I'm not spending a full day with this team and my little brother." Emica swung a cardigan over her shoulders and left the room without doing anything else whatsoever.

"Aside from being your roommate, she really doesn't want to associate herself with us, huh." Semi scoffed as he sat on Selina's bed.

"She likes hanging out with anyone and everyone except us." Selina mumbled, curling back into a ball on her bed. "It's coollldddd. Close the windows."

"Windows are already closed, news flash." Yamagata said. "Now, get your ass up!"

"You guys really are like birds just placed near my window, aren't you?"

"And we have attachment issues." Tendo added.

"I should've made plans with other people..."

Reon looked down at his watch before looking back up at their captain. "Where are the underclassmen?" He asked. "We're supposed to meet them at the gym in five minutes, and they were supposed to text me-"

"Kawanishi is currently in charge of getting Shirabu, Tsukumo, and Goshiki up." Ushijima interrupted. "I'm sure that they're fine."

"You seriously have that much faith in them?"


The pillow almost knocked over the mug that was on the desk. Luckily, it didn't. Otherwise, there would've been another unintentional mess that they'll have to clean up. Why was there a pillow thrown in the first place...? Well, Alina's roommate allowed 2 second year male volleyball players into their room without Alina's consent.

"Get the hell out before I fucking kill you." Alina threatened as she kicked the uninvited people away from her bed. "Where the hell is my roommate, when did you get here, how did you get in my room, and why the fuck are you here in the first place?"

"Okay, okay, one question at a time, darling." Shirabu scolded.

"Ew, couple nicknames." Taichi gagged and coughed. "Why was I in charge of waking up the couple and the first year?"

"'The first-year'." Alina's roommate snickered a bit. "Tsukumo, good luck!"

"Fuck you, Himari!" Alina yelled back as her roommate left the room. "I hate her."

"We all hate our roommates." Taichi reasoned.

"Ouch, but same." Shirabu rolled his eyes. "Alright, so about your questions that you previously asked. Your roommate just left to go see her friends, we got here two minutes ago, Himari let us in, and we're here to wake you up."

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