love in the blizzard

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The next day... the blizzard was really bad. They weren't allowed to go outside basically, unless you want to be dragged away by the very loud and howling winds that you can still hear from inside the cabin. Yep, that's what the group woke up to. Even through it was probably a perfect time be awake at, outside still looked like it was the middle of the night... which was just great.

"Someone close the windows!" Kuroo ordered, hearing the wind still howling.

"Can we take cover in the secret underground bunker?" Alina questioned, her whole body shivering from the cold that they woke up to.

"We have a bunker?!" Nishinoya's eyes widened with surprise as he covered himself with a blanket and put on some socks. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"I thought you went exploring the first day we got here?" Semi raised his eyebrow. He sneezed. "Okay, someone close that window."

"I'm on it, I'm on it." Taichi dragged his body over to the slightly cracked-open window and closed it. "There. Now no one can complain anymore."

"Why is it even opened in the first place?!" Tanaka demanded, refusing to take off his bathroom robe. "Are we crazy?"

"Yes." Basically everyone said at the same time.

"Oh. Okay. That's fine, I guess." Tanaka shrugged it off and just walked away, never to be questioned ever again.

"Why the fuck does it feel like someone turned on the AC in the middle of winter?" Kenma asked, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep away. "The cold woke me up."

"The cold woke everybody up. Yer not special." Atsumu stated.

"Are you still salty over the fact that you guys lost yesterday?" Lilith teased, a victorious smile on her face.

"Look, ya did not win yesterday!" Atsumu crossed his arms. "It was just gettin' late so we all had to stop and go eat dinner! It's a tie!"

"Sounds like she won to me." Suna remarked, taking a video of everyone. "Hey, Shriabu. Do you mind if you teach me some chemistry while we're all holed up in here?"

"What makes you think I'm good at chemistry?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Because you're the smart one in our group."

"Chaya is right there."

"And you think I can teach?!" Abby demanded. "I think you might have to get your eyes checked on that."

"Abby can teach Noya and I, so already, she can teach just perfectly fine! We're not failing any of our subjects just yet." Tanaka slipped some gloves on his hands. "I swear, there's going to be snow forming inside of here at this rate! It's freezing!" At this point, he had at least fifteen different layers on himself.

"So on a scale of we're all fucked and we can do it if we try, how does the idea of decorating gingerbread sound?" Kuroo asked, throwing some gloves and scarves in the faces of some of the guys and then a whole entire winter jacket at Jiwoo.

Jiwoo stumbled back onto the sofa, attempted to throw the jacket back at Kuroo but due to the fact that she does not have that much muscle in her arms, the jacket just fell a few inches in front of her.

"Where do we even have the materials to make gingerbread?" Kenma raised his eyebrow, picking up the huge winter jacket and putting it on the sofa. It's a danger hazard, I'm telling you.

"Why'd you throw that jacket?!" Jiwoo demanded. "We're not even going outside!"

"Hey, Shirabu! What does the news say about how deep the snow'll be tomorrow?" Atsumu asked.

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