Chapter 3

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Isabella's pov

The car came to a screeching halt. I looked up to see one of my worst nightmares. FIRE.

The house was in flames, black smoke billowed out of it and the only light sores was coming from the red roaring flames engulfing the house.

Dereck jumped out of the car the same time I did, we both ran towards it.

Dereck ran in first with me tailing behind, soon enough I couldn't see a foot in front of me and the smoke was suffocating my lungs, but I had to keep pushing, I needed to find mum or Annie.

The fire was everywhere, doors, beds, walls and roof, it looked and felt like I was in the blazing depths of hell. The only way to describe the scene in front of me was HELL!

"ANNIE" my voice screeched.

I was stumbling through the house looking for anyone until arms grabbed me and started pulling me out of this hell. Soon I was outside looking up into the night sky laying on my back when a sweating Dereck pops into my view.

"ISABELLA STAY HERE" His voice screamed in my face before he turned around and started running back into the flames.

Am I going to listen to him?

Nope, not at all.

And with that one thought I pulled myself up off the ground with the help of our mailbox and looked towards the horrific fire, siren's started to get louder as the fire trucks started to near but they weren't coming fast enough.

I need to do something, And i need to do it fast.

"ISABELLA" I heard Annie's voice scream from inside, Fear is what consumed me for a second then i realised Annie's still in there, that's all it took for me to start running towards the burning building.

Before I could reach the house the roof collapsed and brought the whole building down with it. A big explosion of fire flashed before my eyes.

My legs gave up from underneath me as a pain filled sob escaped my mouth. My hands gripped onto my hair as i let out a bloodcurdling scream, a scream filled with pain, sorrow, guilt and loss.

"NO NO NO NO" tears were streaming from my eyes as firefighters ran past in a blur trying to put out the fire, i couldn't move its like i was stuck in concert and my eyes were glued the the remains of the house, i could feel someone shake me and a blurred voice was trying to talk to me but i was stuck in my trance.

I felt myself being lifted up and I was snapped out of my trans by a calming voice repeating my name. I looked up to see my neighbor, who was a police woman.

"Isabella i know this is a lot to take in right now but i need to bring you down to the station" I nodded my head and she gently closed my door and got in the drivers side. Every minute she would look back to see if I was still alright. After a while we made it to the police station and I was ushered inside.


It had been 6 hours, I was questioned and then they left me alone in the staff room on the couch. My neighbor would come in every half an hour to check up on me. I look down at the half drunken water that sat on the coffee table next to mars bar wrapper.

Soon enough I was mentally and physically drained so I fell asleep on the couch with some officers' coats draped over my shoulders to keep me warm. Sadly my sleep didn't last long because I was awoken by another lady, her hair was gray and she wore a bland expression on her face.

"Isabella get up" I sat up alerted as soon as I heard her say my name. "Hi I'm the social worker at this police station, I have been searching for someplace for you to go and thankfully your older brother said he would become your guardian"

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