chapter 25

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Isabella's pov

My brothers and I start making our way down the marble staircase as Dante whispers into my ear "Don't fall down the stairs." I swear he just wants me to make a fool of myself. Soon enough everyone starts to split back into their conversation, taking the attention off of my family. Antonio walks off to some group of boys, the twins of course make their way over to the buffet while the others go talk about alliances to other people. I choose to go and stand to the side of the ball room leaning against one of the pillars, waiting to see a familiar face.

Hundreds of people were gathered around talking to each other, laughing, smiling, glaring and oh wait someone has a gun to their head? That looks fun! Aurora was right, the boys here aren't that bad looking, they all look like they would kill someone, but they do it while looking good!

"Omg there you are!" Aurora squeals as she runs into my view, nearly knocking me over with a hug "You look amazing, now come on I need to show you to our friends!"

She drags me across the ball room over to a bunch of teenagers that look around 15-16. Two boys and one girl are wearing red. good to know their from my Mafia, while the other two are wearing blue, a girl and boy. Great, I'm now friends with people from different mafias, and some of them are male... My brothers are going to love this!

"This is Giovanni or Gio, He's 16. The one that always gets us in trouble" Aurora points to a boy that had dark brown hair and was probably 6 foot. How are people so tall! "This is Luca, he's 15 and the dumb one!" I give a small smile to the blonde boy Infront of me, yeah he does look like a dumb blonde, he was also extremly tall. Than Aurora points to the only boy wearing blue with black hair. "This is Louis he's 16, his dad is the boss of the Americana Mafia. He's the sporty one but also gets us in trouble!" Aurora shoots a glare at him as she says that last sentence.

"Now time for us girls, This is Liliana, she's 15. The mum of the group, also the one that tries to drag us out of trouble!" I look over to the girl with bright orange hair and freckles planted all over her face, she looks like the mum of the group. "And this is Riley, she's twins with Louis. They are literally the definition of double trouble!" She has the same raven black hair as her brother.

I send a small smile everyone's way. "I'm Isabella." I wave, from the corner of my eye I can see Camillo smirking and shaking his head at me.

"Isabella whose family are you with, are they new to the mafia or what?" Liliana asked with curiosity covering her face, the rest of them just looked at me confused while Aurora just tried not to laugh.

"They mustn't be that high up if we have never seen you around before?" Gio state's as Aurora struggles to hold in a laugh, I shoot her the "DON'T YOU DARE SAY'' look so she quickly tries to recover. Only if they knew.

"They're pretty important!" Aurora chuckles, ignoring my glare as the other's just become more confused.

"Where are your parents? We might know them when we see them." Riley smiles looking around the room. Only if they knew.

"Um, mums dead and not too sure about dad yet but I think he's dead as well" I laugh. "I live with my brother's, hey look there's one of them!" I say pointing towards the stage where Alessandro is currently standing about to make a speech, lets just say the group was shocked.

The whole ball room goes silent as everyone waits for what Alessandro is going to say.

"I would like to thank all Mafia's that have attended this ball and I am also proud to announce the return of the Italian Mafia princess, Isabella Accardi." As soon as those words left Alessandro's mouth everyone turned to look at me and all bowed their heads as a sign of respect.

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