Chapter 29

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Isabella's pov

It's been a couple of days now and I won't leave bed. No matter how hard the boys try to get me to do something or at least talk to them I won't, it's like I can't even if I wanted to. At some point during each day Cristian gives up on asking me to come downstairs so I can get my treatment, after not replying to him, he picks me up and carries me to where I get my treatment done.

Alessandro only comes in to check on me at night when he thinks I'm asleep, He just quietly comes into my room, kisses me goodnight and leaves.

I don't want the boys to worry about me, I don't want to do that to them. But here I am!

I haven't seen Antonio at all for the past couple of days, I don't even think he's been in the house since I stopped talking to the boys.

Antonios Pov

It's been 4 days and Isabella won't talk, eat or even acknowledge us. When she first started doing this I could bear to see her like that, so I left and decided to stay at my mates house. I know it's the shitty thing to do but she has 5 other over protective brothers in that house to look after her. Alessandro's is not happy with the way I'm dealing with Isabella acting like this but he still texts me about how she's going.

Right now I have gotten sick of this, she's not getting better. She's only making herself weaker and she's already too sick to be any weaker. None of the boys have really done anything to help her, yes they go up there every day and try to persuade her to get out of bed or even say anything to them, but it's just not working.

"Dude come on it really can't be that bad." Zackery, my best mate complains. "How much longer will you be staying, like it's fun to have you but, you have been here for 4 days. I want my couch back!"

"I don't know, she's still not talking to anyone." I slowly sit up from the couch, all Zackery has been hearing for the last 4 days is me complaining about Isabella, to be honest if I was him I would be getting sick of me as well.

"Well stop moping around here and go do something about it." He replies by throwing my car keys at my face.

"And do what, beg her to get out of bed!" I begin to get frustrated, I wish I could do something. Zackery just gives me the 'Are you dumb look'

"And I thought you were the one who's family ran the mafia." He says throwing my gun and wallet at me as well. I think he wants me to get out of his house.

I quickly get up before he throws anything else my way. The drive home was silent, I was trying to think of different ways to get Isabella out of bed but I ended up with the plan of just winging it. The guards at the front door just nod their heads in acknowledgement as I enter the house.

Straight away I'm met with an extremely pissed off Alessandro. Great another thing I have to deal with.

"Are you going to tell me where the fuck you were!" He snapped. I just shrug and walk past him, this seemed to piss him off even more as he grabbed my shoulder turning me around to face him. Yeah he's definitely made.

"I was at Zackery's place okay? No big deal" I shrug giving my short answer. Alessandro just sighs in response, having a battle with himself on how to deal with me.

"You could have at least responded to my texts." He says disappointed and walks away. That's it, no more yelling or grounding? Not even the 'give me your phone' just disappointment.

After snapping out of my state of shock I ran up the stairs and toward Isabella's room. When I enter her room she just glances at me then goes back to staring at her wall. God she's a mess.

"Thats it get up!" I rip the sheets off her and force her to stand up, she just looks at me completely shocked before snapping out of it and stares at me extremely pissed, wow I'm pissing off everyone today.

"Go have a shower now." I Instruct with a strict tone, Isabella just shakes her head and continues to stay in the one place. "I said Go Have A Shower, I wasn't asking."

Isabella just glares at me before walking towards her bathroom muttering something under her breath. Is this really what it feels like to have teenagers? I feel bad for Alessandro. He has to deal with 4 of us.

After a while I glanced up from my phone to see Isabella exit her bathroom in a fresh pair of new clean clothes. She just continues to glare at me before she starts to make her way back to bed.

"No we are going downstairs to have lunch. And I dont give a fuck if you dont want too." I reply by dragging her by the hand down to the kitchen, when we enter the kitchen Camillo just stares at me shocked that I have not only gotten Isabella out of bed but I also managed to get her to have a shower.

"What do you want to eat Isabella?" Camillo asks, snapping out of his state of shock.

"I don't know." Isabella muttered, causing Camillo and I to stare at her in shock for a breath second before Camillo turns around and starts making some food as quickly as possible before Isabella disappears back up to her room.

After a little while Camillo sets a plate of pancakes in front of her and waits until she starts eating them before coming over to me.

"How the fuck did you get her out of bed, all of us have been trying to do that for days!" He whispers so Isabella won't hear. I just shrug in response waiting for Isabella to finish what she's eating so I can take her out of the house on a walk with Clover, that poor dog probably hasn't been on a walk for days.

But the one thing that shocked me the most was Isabella turning towards Camillo and I with tears in her eyes before she muttered out something in a small broken voice, one word that made me want to lock Isabella away in a tower and protect her from all the evil in the world. one simple.



Hey guys I know it's a short one but I have been extremely busy lately and I really haven't had the time. I have had a lot of things happening in the past month so I have been focusing on them instead. I hope everyone enjoyed this small chapter and if you have any suggestions I will always welcome them.

Please remember to Vote and comment! <3

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