Chapter 22

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Alessandro's pov

"She's a lot like you. Sandro, she's like a little replica of you!" Camillo smiles and lets out a low chuckle as we hear Isabella slam her bedroom door.

"She even has your stubbornness and the same mind for trouble" Cristian replies as both of my younger brothers stare at me with a knowing smirk.

"That's the thing I'm worried about though" I state running my hands through my hair. Is she is like me which she is but I'm always going to dinie it, she wont want anyone's help, block us out and cause more trouble. I still need to clean that cut on her face and talk to her about more chemo appointments, they're definitely going to be happening in this house since the last time she was in the hospital someone nearly strangled her to death.

She is definitely troubled.

"Cristian, is everything set up for Isabella's chemo tomorrow?" I question while I get up from my seat.

"Yes everything is sorted out, stop stressing about it, you're going to go grey" Cristian replies as he begins to leave the room as well, Camillo decided to make himself comfortable and started to watch tv.

"I'm going to be in my office. I have some work to sort out and then I will go check on Isabella" I state walking out of my room and onto the 3rd floor.


"ALESSANDRO" my head perks up at a high pitch scream, must be Dante. He always screams like a girl, at first when we all made this discovery it was terrifying because we all thought some random girl broke into our house and started screaming but once we found the source of the sound it was actually Dante, now we are all used to his girl screams.

"She's done it again!" Dante barges into my room with panic all over his face, I knew it was dante.

"What did another girl break? Look, there's plenty of other girls out there, I'm quite happy that the fake blond chick broke up with you!" I state not even bothering to look up from her

"Alexis is still dating me thank you very much and we are in a happy relationship" Dante asserted, crossing his hands over his chest.

"Her name is actually Alexa, and I think you meant to use the word toxic instead of happy" I added just to hear Dante scoft at my reply.

"Anyway I came in here to tell you Isabella made another runner" Dante announced as if it's old news. She did what!

"What do you mean" I immediately got out of my chair and started to walk to her room with Dante trailing closely behind me.

"At least she didn't lock or barricade her door this time, I guess that's an improvement!" Dante says cheerfully. I look down at my watch to see its 10 o'clock at night, shit i must have gotten side tracked with my work and forgotten to check on Isabella.

Walking into her room I check the bathroom and there's no sign of her so I check the walking wardrobe and I'm greeted by her window being wide open, this girl really likes to climb out windows.

"You used to climb out of your window to sneak out at night as well!" Camillo laughed from beside me, when the hell did he get there.

"Oh shut up Camillo, no ones laughing!" I groaned. I made my way down to the garage when I got a phone call from another number.

"Hello, hello?" I answered frustrated, I need to find Isabella. I have no time for some random phone call.

"Sandro, Helllllooooo" The person on the other end of the phone slurs into while sniffling. Great it sounds like Isabella has managed to get herself drunk.

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