Chapter 32

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Isabella's pov

They all wore a mask to cover their identities except one, I couldn't figure out why he definitely wasn't the boss because of the way the others pushed him around. I could see guilt in his eyes as he stared down onto my beaten body. it was almost as if he was forced into beating me, like he had no choice.

I don't know how long I have been here. All I know is I woke up bound to a metal chair with bruises and cuts all over me. They have placed me inside some sought of basement that has no windows or any source of outside light meaning I have no clue where the fuck I am.

Ha Dante I just swore and you aren't here to tell me off!

You aren't here, no one is here... It's just me alone.

Trapped in your mess alone.

Now I'm not blaming my brothers for me being kidnapped and beaten but it is also a little their fault. No matter how much I try to forget about it I need to remember that my brothers are in the Mafia, they run it and that's extremely dangerous and illegal. I can't just go downtown by myself and feel like I'm safe because I'm not, I could be killed at any time, anyone my brothers and I show affection to could be. And that's my life now, I'm stuck with it because

Because I'm the Italian Mafia Princess.

I will always have a target on my back and it's never going away until the day that target is no longer there, the day that I'm dead

I am a part of the mafia if I like it or not and I need to start acting like it.

"Aren't you going to give us a little smile, princess." One of the men slowly trace my face with a knife, pushing it slowly in my cheek I wince in pain as I feel warm blood slowly drip down my face. he leans in close to my face and stares at me in eyes

"Oh hunny, I'm not going to give you anything. Stupido figlio di puttana!" I spit on his face but immediately regret it as he's quick to punch me in the stomach. (Stupid son of a bitch!)

Just because Dante wasn't here I had to swear, stuff you Antonio for teaching me swear words in Italian!

"I'm going to make you regret saying that!" He pushes my head back so I'm now staring up his body that's now towering over my small frame

Yeah I already regret it.

After another couple of hours of being tortured they finally stopped when i was about to pass out, one of the men had a piece of paper in his hand while anther cut me with a knife just below my shoulder, i wince as red blood starts to seep out from the fresh cut, soon enough the paper was filled with red writing, it wasn't ink from a was my blood.

The letter was to my brothers, to tell them how much I'm enjoying my time here and having lots of fun.

I miss them so much, I hope I will be able to see them again. But if it came down to me living and one of them dying I would choose to die.

I already am, aren't I?

I just can't lose anyone else, every time something bad happens an overwhelming crushing pain in my chest will slowly tighten until it suffocates me until I can no longer breathe, I have lost too many people already and I don't think I would ever be able to live with knowing it could have been me dead, not them.

The men left the room for around an hour before the one without a mask came back in and dragged me out of this hell hole. I was dragged into a car and placed in the back seat. No restraints or anything... how dumb can they get!

The maskless man... lets just call him jeff! jeff got into the driver's seat and started driving down a deserted road, one that was endless a river ran along one side of it as the other side had trees

This might be my only chance to escape, I need to get out of this car now before I'm no longer in Italy.

Quietly I reach over to my seatbelt and unbuckle it, I look up to the mirror to see jeff is staring at me with curiosity in his eyes and before he could react I quickly pull the seat belt over his head and I pull it as hard as I could around his neck causing his hands to leave the steering wheel

"FUCK" He hissed as I leant back putting all my on the seat belt, he starts to struggle against it reaching towards his glove box

"NOPE JEFF DONT!" I scream knowing there is most likely a gun, I don't mind guns but if I'm choking someone...someone that kidnapped me and they have a gun its a straight up no.


"I'M NOT A BITCH JEFF!" I screamed over the sound of tires screeching, my body flys back into the seat, glass flew into the air and little shards of glass painted my skin red as we started to plummet towards the river.

Cold water rushed in and filled all my senses, little air bubbles pricked my skin, I tried to swim out of the broken windshield but my leg was pulled back as jeff strong grip held onto my ankle, but I realise that his grip is loosening as his eyes stare off into the distance with no emotions or life in them.

Once I reach the surface I gasp for air but its cut short as I'm smashed into a rock, my body wrestled against the current as it shoved me into all different rocks branches and fallen trees, each hit, each nock creates an new mark, new scratch, cut and bruise over my weakened body.

I gave up fighting against the powerful river and slowly let it take me down its twists and turns. By the time I finally got caught on a fallen down tree I was exhausted, gradually I pulled myself across the tree to the river bank.

The snow crunched beneath my feet as I made my way towards the road that laid abandoned next to the river.

"Isabella?" I turned around to see who was calling my name.  


Hey guys I know you are probably all sick of the wait and I'm sorry for that I just have been finding it really hard to write lately, I have had a few things going on lately so I haven't been as motivated to write.

I hope everyone is doing well and please keep reading. I love the comments and thankyou for voting!

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