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Raelyn's POV

"Rae!" John B shouted from the window of his van, "One second" I called back while rushing to put my shoes on and close the front door to my house both at the same time. I firmly shut the front door behind me and rushed toward the van. John B began to drive off slowly giving me enough time to jump into the back, JJ hauled me up and closed the van door.

I slumped down on the seat in-between Pope and JJ. "You're getting good at that" John B laughed from the driving seat while i continued to pant in the back, "I cant believe i have to say this again but please stop doing that!" I groaned and everyone started laughing.

Although it was very annoying, i could never hate them for constantly joking around like this. They had been my friends for as long as i could remember. Kiara, or Kie, had been my best friend since the first day of nursery. The group sort of grew from there, John B and JJ joined and then Pope joined and that's how our group was formed.

We all shared our many differences and that's what helped us get along, the only thing we all had in common was that we where all Pogue. A Pogue is someone who doesn't have a lot or any money. In other words someone who is poor, the only one who couldn't share that similarity with us was Kie.

Kie was was we called a Kook, a Kook is the complete opposite to a Pogue. They are rich and can afford there dream items and not think anything about it. But Kie liked to think of herself as Pogue and quite likely so did I.

The van travelled across the vast roads, the warm summer air drifted through the window, and this is where the story begins. A story of mayhem and peace, a tragic but beautiful story in which two people fall for each other.

But all stories have to start somewhere right?

John B pulled the van into his drive way, well more just a tone of mud and grass. We all clambered out the van and made a B-Line for the boat. The boat was where we spent some of the most memorable times of our lives.

Drifting through the summer breeze, but as soon as we got anywhere near the boat a police officer just had to stop us. John B scoffed as the police officer blocked our way, "No one will be allowed in the sea until tomorrow" He spoke sternly.

"Why?" I replied knowing full well why, "The storm is coming and its too dangerous for you youngsters to be out in that type of weather". Well there goes all our fun.

We all sat bored in John B's house, waiting for something to happen. We had been here for at least half an hour now, "lets just go out on the boat anyway" JJ requested, Kie shook her head "No way am i getting myself killed for you lot".

She did have a point, if it was dangerous there wasn't any point of going out there, it was basically suicide.   

"come on someone must be up for it" JJ pleaded, he looked at me hoping for an answer that was yes, but i had to turn him down. "Sorry no can do, Mum and Dad want me home before the storm" I sighed.

"well we better go now then" Kie smiled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up and out of the seat. "Don't go yet" John B begged, i knew how hard it was for him since his father had gone missing, he refused to let the truth get to him that he may be dead. 

"I'm sorry John B, ill get killed if i don't get home" I joked as Kie pulled me away and towards the door, i blew a kiss to the boys in a 'goodbye' way and Kie and I began to walk towards the road where we waited for a taxi to come pick us up.


  Heavy winds and the sound of crashing waves kept me awake all night, the storm was frightfully loud. I almost just laid there, waiting for dawn to break. Thankfully it eventually came, and that morning as i opened my curtains i was  shocked to see damaged boats laying around.

i stared out the window in shock, the only thing that pulled me away from that shock was a notification from my phone. I picked it up and read through the messages, John B wanted us all to go out looking for things in the marsh, i agreed and began to get changed.

In a matter of minutes John B arrived and we drove back to his house where we got onto the boat. I was shocked to see scuber diving gear in the boat, "This morning i took the boat out and i found another boat that had sunk probably during the storm, so i stole this from my boss Ward " John B vented as he pointed at the diving gear.

"Wait you stole this did you say?" I picked him up on that, "Well more burrowed, i will put it all back i swear" he crossed his heart. "What and no one saw?" Kie asked, John B shook his head and started the boat up.

The boat drifted around for a while before it stopped above what looked like another sunken boat, John B rushed to put the gear on. "Whats down there?" i asked, John B shrugged. "Imagine if there is like gold and diamonds down there, we can finally be rich" JJ smiled happily.

"Don't get your hopes u-" I began but was cut off when i heard a splash noise, without warning John B had jumped right in the water. JJ was controlling everything, "How long have you been planning this whole thing?" I asked.

"like a few minutes before we picked you up" JJ replied with a smile while i rolled my eyes in annoyance. Of course they had planned it before they got me., in a matter of seconds John B came up out of the water with a black tin box. 

"Shit did we find treasure?!" JJ gasped, John B took off his mask and took a deep breath before slowly opening it.


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