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Raelyn's POV 

We reached the clock tower, also known as the church. "Do you actually love him?" She asked, "if I didn't. I wouldn't of said it" I stated with a pant. I smiled as I thought back to the moment but it didn't last long as we climbed up the stairs. At the top John B stood, he grabbed Sarah and slipped his hands round her waist. Holding her tight, "I missed you" he smiled down at her.

"Rae" he smiled and pulled me into a hug too, "I missed you too" he added. Suddenly footsteps could be heard, John B held Sarah close as the hatch opened to reveal Topper. That little cunt must of followed us up here, "Sarah come back to me" he begged. "I love you and I always will please Sarah" he pleaded.

She shook her head.

"No Topper" she denied, I heard some clatter from down the stairs. I opened the hatch to see a blazing fire that had taken place. "Guys!" I yelled at the group of people who where arguing. "Shut up Raelyn, I couldn't give a shit what you have to say" Topper snapped. "Seriously listen" I begged.

Topper kicked me, I fell through the hatch and rolled down the stairs. My eyebrow smashed against a floorboard. "You dick" I screamed up the stairs, I felt my eyebrow to see blood on my fingers. I stumbled down the stairs and saw the huge fire, I ran out the back door and sprinted towards JJ who happened to be standing only a few metres away.

"What happened to you?" He asked as he looked at the cut, "we don't have time for that, did you get the keys?" I asked. He nodded and showed me the keys in his hand. Only a few seconds later John B and Sarah came sprinting out the back. "I'm going to kill him" John B snapped as he looked at the cut on my face.

"It's fine, we need to go now" I pulled John B and Sarah towards the docks. It began to rain very heavily. A storm was approaching, "I need to find Rafe" I told the group. "Why?" John B asked. "Because I need to take shelter before I get struck by lightning" I answered. As I spoke it, Rafe was standing on the docks about a yard away.

John B grabbed me and forced me to face him, "would you die for me?" He asked. I was confused, "yes" I replied while tilting my head. The rain poured harder, "I'm sorry for this" he apologised. As I opened my mouth to speak he forced me into the boat, "John B no!" I yelled as he pushed me down onto the seat.

I screamed for help, I didn't want to leave. 

"Let me go please!" I begged, "Sarah hold her down" he demanded. Sarah shook her head, "let her go" she begged. He put the seat belt on and started the boat up, the boat began to move and the seat belt had me locked in. "Rafe help" I screamed.

The police officers began to show up, Rafe spoke to one before they began yelling at John B to let me go.

But he kept driving into the storm.


Rafe's POV 

I watched as John B sped the boat up and it went out of sight, "get to the control room now!" One officer yelled and I followed them there to see Dad already sitting there taking into the microphone that would send his voice over to them.

"They have a hostage, they took Raelyn Williams" I told an officer. "I know, we will get her back" he reassured. I sat down and watched the boat travel away, Dad was saying a tone of shit while the boat was getting further away.

Suddenly the boat capsized as a huge wave smashed into it, I stood up.

"Get out there and save her, she'll drown do something!" I yelled at the officer, I felt myself break down. The police officers did nothing as more waves covered the boat and no one seemed to be coming to the surface.

"Shit" I cried, I had lost her.

Surge, Rafe Cameron  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now