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Raelyn's POV

I sat in my room alone, my phone was charging by my bedside and Dad had locked the door so i couldn't get out.

I hated staying inside, i needed to get out. I looked at the window as an option a few times, there was always the risk of me slipping and breaking a bone, I walked towards the window and lifted it up. My dad had put my room in the loft of our bungalow so it was higher up.

I looked behind me at my bedroom door, i took a deep breath and started climbing down the wall, holding onto the pipe. I slipped and fell but luckily i wasn't hurt. I began to run towards John B's house where i knew the Pogues where.

I was almost there when JJ pulled the car out the drive, he stopped it before it hit me. "Get in" he smiled, i climbed in that back seat and he began driving again, everyone was in the car. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"We found more gold, it's part of Pope's family line and there is some strange disabled woman after it. We found the map" Kie looked behind into the back since she was in the front, So wheres the gold?" I asked.

"well the map is in the Cameron's house, Sarah is letting us see it since everyone is out" Kie replied as we pulled up to the huge house.

We all jumped up and Sarah was stood at the front door, she smiled before letting us in. I was shocked that there was more gold and more money that we could all have but how much did the pogues get up too while i was gone.

I had noticed some strange tension between Kie and Pope and it was very strange since they always got along just fine.

we walked upstairs and into a room, it had ripped wallpaper and behind it was a huge map that covered the whole room. It was a map of the Outer Banks, i was shocked to see this and began scanning the map for anything.

Pope held up a key, "Look for something with a key hole" he announced. Everyone began looking and within minutes JJ found it.

Before i could hear where it was Sarah quickly pulled me out the room, what could she want to tell me now at such an important time like this. Honestly.

"What" i hissed as we walked down the stairs, "Look are you happy that John B is in prison" She came straight out with the question. "And answer it honestly Rae" She added, "Mixed emotions. Happy and Sad" I sighed.

This really wasn't as important as finding out where that gold was.

"I need you to help me snitch on rafe" She begged, I shook my head "No i'm not going to take part in that" I gasped.

Suddenly the front door flew open.

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