Chapter Two

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   I feel a warm, yet cold hand on my shoulder, and I look up, uncovering my eyes. Alicia stands beside me, staring down at me with meaningless pity. 

   "Time to go to the train," she says to me briskly. I haul myself up and follow her out of the room. I see the young boy inside the car that drives us to the train. He was looking around, and then spots us. His face narrows into a scowl that is aimed at me. I stare back at him, surprised by his stupid hostility. 

   As we climb in, I open the door in the back of the fancy car. I shut the door behind me, and the driver starts the car. We roll down the street slowly, and people walk out of the way of the car, gaping at us and pointing. I duck my head away from them, holding my hand up so I can't see.

   Cetus, the boy, turns around. "Who are you?" He asks snobbishly. He gazes down at my dress. "A farm girl, it looks like. Are you poor or what?"

   I narrowed my eyes. This kid doesn't know who he's messing with. "Johanna." I growled. "And what are you? A deformed mutt even the Capital doesn't want?"

   Cetus was about to snap back, when Alicia says, "There's the train!" She was clearly trying to stop us from arguing, but I accept it anyways. I don't feel like barking back and forth with a kid. I let out a small sigh, gazing out the car window. On the tracks sat-- no, hovered-- a long, sleek white train. It's silent as it sits there, unmoving. I marvel at it, despite my mood.

   The car drives up to the side, and we open the doors and climb out. I follow Alicia as she excitedly trots to the train in her heels. Cetus follows me ominously as we walk up to the train. I climb the metal stairs, and I climb inside the train car. Alicia waves her hand to the room, inviting us in like it was her home or something.

   Inside, it was amazing. It has fancy antiques I see no use for, long hanging curtains, a table with curled chairs that looked kind of like curled gray rib bones for the back, and a large hologram on the wall. It was all too fancy for me, I think. The carpet is a pale, pretty blue that looks soft. And the food. Oh, all of the food. There were chocolates, tiny cakes, fruits dotted with something pink, small muffins, brownies with white frosting, a chocolate fountain, water, orange juice it looked like, milk, and everything else you could name that poor people never ate. I wanted to eat every bit of it, to gulp it all down. They were all in tiny portions, so you could try a little of everything. I keep in mind to do that later.

   "Isn't it grand?" she sighs. "And wait until you meet your mentor! She is very kind and loving, you'll see. But right now, she's getting ready in the front car." Alicia walks inside, but then halts. "Take off your shoes!" I look down at the mat and slip off my rugged, muddy shoes. I realize right then I looked like something less than garbage compared with all this fancy Capital stuff. Cetus appears like he was made for this train- his fancy high-collared shirt, ironed pants, and shiny black shoes. He was rich, I could tell. I wonder how he was picked.

   "I will show you your rooms." Alicia walks down the hallway, feet silent now she has her heels off-- in their place were slippers simmilar looking to the curtians. She points to the first door. "This is the spare bathroom. You two will have your own bathrooms in your room, and showers too. This is Cetus' room, right here." She stops at the next door, and swings it open.

   I peer into the room. A neatly made bed, curtains to a large window, and a dresser in which you can put your stuff. And lots of antiques all over the room, like the main room of the train. There were soaps on a platter on the bedspread, and spare clothes folded next to them. The carpet was different in the room-- it was shaggy and brown and softer. 

   "That is your room, Anna." Alicia pointed down the hall to the last room.

   "Johanna." I corrected her.

Johanna Mason- 68th Hunger Games (EDITING- ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now