Chapter Three

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I wake up to Alicia slamming my door open. I groggily open my eyes and lift up my head. She's beaming from ear to ear, already dressed and seems to have all of her makeup done already. She must've gotten up real early to do so, I think to myself.

   "Breakfast!" she chirps loudly. I groan and roll out of bed. My hair sits in a bird mess on top of my head, but I only comb through some if it with my fingers. The rest I leave to my brush later. I yawn and walk to the living room with her. Again, the table are set up, but this time a series of breakfast items covered it. Eggs, toast, jelly of all kinds, bacon, and more. I sit down on a chair and take some food for myself. Hope was also at the table, talking to Cetus.

   "Johanna, have you noticed," Hope is saying. "that you're always the last one to the table?"

   I grunt and shove a piece of toast in my mouth, not bothering to answer her. She continues to talk anyways, non-stop while eating small portions of food. I notice she's really fit-- strong arms, a flat stomach. Her russet hair's in a ponytail high on her head.

   "You two are going to be with the other tributes in the training center today." she says excitedly. "Your outfits are in your rooms that you are required to wear."

   Cetus speaks up. "Where is this at?"

   "When the train stops, and that will be shortly. So when it does stop, be ready to go into the training center straight away." Hope eats an egg with a fork. I'm  already full by the time she stops talking.

   "Anything else?" I asked.

   "After that, you will meet your stylist and get ready for the ceremony of the tributes tonight. They will make and chose your costumes," Hope replies.

   "But," I said. "Who is our stylist?"

   She smiles. "You'll meet her tonight. So eat up, because we have a long day today."

   I tell her I am full, and got up. I trail back into my room and look for the outfit. I spot a black skin-tight suit hanging on the edge of my bed. I take it off and hold it next to my body. Amazingly, it looked like it fit perfectly.

   I undress and put the suit on, and it was stretchy. It was comfy and did fit exactly right. It's almost scary. I look in the mirror and admire myself. I never noticed how skinny I looked, or how broad shoulders I had. Did I aquire those after the years on the wood ranch? I turn, looking behind me. Nothing on the suit sagged-- nothing was too tight. I shudder and think how weird this all is that they know exactly what I look like. I bet the other tributes were going to be a lot more fit than me.

   Speaking of the rats, I will be meeting them today at the training center. I suddenly get a bit nervous about meeting them. I wonder what they will look like, if they would be strong and terrifying, or plain normal people. I'm guessing both.

   I leave the suit on as I tie my hair in a ponytail high on my head with my bangs hanging off to the side. I brush them with my fingers and exit back out of the bedroom, and join them again. Cetus has his suit on and was still talking at the table with Alicia and Hope. I trudge over to the window and stare out.

   My mouth almost drops open at what I see. A huge, huge city with buildings so tall, they touch the sky, meets my gaze. I gape at the sight. Cetus runs over to another window and marveles at it with me.

   It's the Capital.

   "It looks like we're almost here!" Alicia squeales. "How exciting!"

   "Everything's exciting to you," I mutter under my breath. I draw back from the window and pad past the still and silent Avoxes. I shudder as I feel their gazes bear down on my back. After a moment, the train halts to a stop.

Johanna Mason- 68th Hunger Games (EDITING- ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now