Chapter 17

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   I dream that I am still in the Games, still running for my life from the bears. I am running blindly through the pine forest, dodging branches and undergrowth. I can feel the rumble of the bears as they pursue me, running faster and faster....

   I feel my heart pound as I lift open my eyes. Whiteness and lights hit my vision, and I squinted and sat up. There was a searing pain in my leg. It was the same one that the boy threw the spear at.

   I lifted up my light gown to study my leg. It was covered in bandages, and there was wires attached with stickers of some kind of them. I reach down and gently touch it, my mind spinning. I feel dazed and wobbly, unsteady. They might've put something in me to keep me asleep...

   Without thinking, I involuntarily shout out, "Quill!" The door opened and two people in white suits rush over to me. But before they could reach me, I heard a beeping sound and I blacked out again, collapsing onto my pillow and bed.

   I wake again, less dizzy. I raise my hand up to my hair, and I can feel it short- shorter than it was in the arena. It was up in spikes across my head, soft spikes. I play with my hair when one of the nurses appear in front of me.

   "Here," she said, handing me something. It was three crackers. "Eat them." 

   I looked up at her, mistrustful of Capitol people. "Why?"

  She is patient. "Please just eat them for your benefit, Johanna. It will help you get better." She thinks that my brain is still moving slow. But I can think correctly now.

   "Why?" I demand with more force.

   "It's food, Johanna!" the nurse sighed. "They will help you feel less woozy." Finally obeying, I plopped them in my mouth and chewed. They were normal salty crackers. I lay down my head on my pillow again and watch the nurse as she flips through papers.

   Then I caught sight of people walking behind a glass wall. I lifted myself up again to get a better view. It was Hope.... and Alicia. They were here!

   "Please lay back down." the nurse ordered me. She must've noticed I was watching them, because she said to me, "They cannot see you until I get these papers done. You can visit them in an hour or so." She turns and walks out the door, which swings for a moment before stopping.

   Frustrated, I fall back onto my bed and stare at the ceiling.

   I am home! I can go back to District Seven, and visit my precious woods and friends. I can visit Della back home. And best of all, I can be back in Quill's arms and be with him. Then I remember that I'm going to have my own home, now. In the victor's village. I will have a huge mansion all to myself. Mom is sure not going to be there with me. I would rather want to live with rats than her, even if she sent me those hats and gloves. I choked. My sister and brother could've joined me, if they were here.

   I turn my attention to the person who walks in. Suddenly, I recognise the horrible smell, and the pale skin with the white hair. President Snow is walking up to my bed with hands behind his back. Horrified to be even near him, I sit up quickly and scoot back away from him.

   "Hello, Johanna." he murmured.  "Do you remember me?"

   I wish I couldn't. "Yes, I do, Snow." My voice grew angry. "I am alive, as you can see." I said somewhat with a tone, as if to say, "I survived your Games, and now I can live in agony from the power of the Capitol, watching my friends and family die in front of my eyes."

   He smiled his puffy, evil looking smile. "You are going to be home soon. We're flying you there right now as we speak."

   I mutter back to him, "I'm feeling tired." But I'm not. I just want an excuse to get away from him. He doesn't buy it.

Johanna Mason- 68th Hunger Games (EDITING- ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now