It's been a while

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(Link joined the chat)

LINK: Hey, uh, anybody here?

10 minutes later

LINK: Um.. you see... I know it's been like two months..... and I really haven't talked to any of you...

LINK: But I'm back! Uh. Hello?

LINK: I'll send you an invite then

5 minutes later

LINK: No response... I guess I'm alone then...

(Link left the chat)

(Daruk joined the chat)

DARUK: Daruk is ready to roll! Anyone here? It's been a while so I thought I'd see what's going on in the old chat

(Revali joined the chat)

REVALI: Daruk?


REVALI: Oh hylia, I was hoping that If I found anyone here it would be somebody who wasn't you


REVALI: Anyways what are you doing here on the chat? I check it regularly but I haven't seen you around 

DARUK: I came because there's a holiday this weekend!

REVALI: Yeah I know it's tomorrow, on saturday

DARUK: I meant the one on sunday

REVALI: What's that?

DARUK: The 1 year anniversary of the BOTW Champions Group Chat!

REVALI: Oh yeah! How could I forget. I've been on this stupid chat for almost a year

(Urbosa joined the chat)

(Zelda joined the chat)

ZELDA: So Urbosa, looking forward to the 1st anniversary?

URBOSA: Yes of course

REVALI: ah great I guess this is a reunion day

DARUK: HEY EVERYONE! Lady Urbosa, Tiny Princess

ZELDA: Don't call me that! My title is Princess Zelda Hyrule the One-Hundredth of the Holy and Sacred Kingdom of Hyrule

DARUK: Whoa those are big words


(Mipha joined the chat)

MIPHA: Link?


DARUK: I forgot about Link! What ever happened to the little guy!

MIPHA: Well after the chat became self conscious in mid-July, it shut down all online services across Hyrule and a Dark Age began

MIPHA: The Guardians became under the control of the self-conscious chat and attacked Hyrule and all of us were separatted

MIPHA: Until last Tuesday, when Dr Purah and Dr Robbie broke into the Castle to shut down the Chat and restore Hyrule to normal. The Chat is no longer self-conscious

DARUK: So basically we've all reunited except Link?

MIPHA: Yes. I really want to see him though

(Link joined the chat)

LINK: Nobody's here. Why am I even trying

REVALI: Oh great he's here


DARUK: it's little guy!

URBOSA: He's back

ZELDA: Hooray!

LINK: Well now that we're all reunited, we got preparations to do!

MIPHA: What for?

LINK: Why the 1st anniversary of this Group Chat of course! Today's Friday and it's on Sunday! We're gonna invite everyone!

DARUK: Well what are you all waiting for? Let's go prepare!

(Link, Mipha, Daruk, Revali, Urbosa, and Zelda left the chat)

BotW Champions Group ChatWhere stories live. Discover now