The Last Battle of Ravioli and Link

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(Link joined the chat)

LINK: Anybody here?

(Mipha joined the chat)

MIPHA: Oh, hello Link. I did not expect to see you here. Did you know that the sequel to "Ravioli Club" has just been published?

LINK: Nah, didn't notice. Been too busy playing Minecraft since the new update dropped. And Christmas is coming up too. 

(Revali, Daruk, Urbosa, and Zelda joined the chat)

MIPHA: I hope the champion's Christmas this year isn't as bad as last year. Remember when the Yiga Clan turned good, and then Ganon showed up or something. At least we all got great gifts. 

URBOSA: Me too

ZELDA: Me three

DARUK: I had a word with Revali, and I think he actually got something nice for Link this year

LINK: Yeah.  Man, I can't believe this group chat has lasted so long. I have to go now but while I'm gone a friend of mine is gonna talk to you guys and the readers. Yes he will break the 4th wall a bit, but it's already been shattered right?

(Author joined the chat)

AUTHOR: Hello there my friends. As Mr. Link here said I will be breaking the wall a bit. Now we've got over 36K reads, 500 votes, and 1K comments. That's a lot. And it shows that many have enjoyed reading this silly little chat in the 1 year+ that it has been on Wattpad. And I hope you folks out there continue to enjoy it, and that you also have a Merry Christmas or happy holidays. Thank you for showing me that such silly little projects as fan-made group chats can be enjoyed by so many.

(Author left the chat) 

REVALI: I think I have tears

DARUK: Man that guy was right! People like us!

MIPHA: And they have enjoyed reading about things like Ravioli's silly shenanigans. 

ZELDA: Um champions?

URBOSA: What's wrong Zelda?

ZELDA: I'm in western Hyrule Field looking for Link, and I smell smoke.

DARUK: I like smoke

(Revali muted Daruk)

ZELDA: Oh no! Link's doing some kind of book burning!

(Link joined the chat)

LINK: Hello everyone!

MIPHA: Link what are you doing?

(Zelda unmuted Daruk)

DARUK: You better not be burning my cookbooks!

LINK: I am burning copies of "Ravioli Club" and "Ravioli Club II: Rivalries"


LINK: What's wrong Ravioli? It's a terrible book series? 

ZELDA: Revali don't take this too seriously

LINK: Wait why do I have a notification saying "A Rito is flying to your location right now"

REVALI: That's because I'm coming to KILL YOU!

ZELDA: I hear violent sounds of punching and screaming and yelling

DARUK: I'm out 

(Daruk left the chat)

URBOSA: They can fight this out can't they?

(Urbosa left the chat)

MIPHA: Princess we have to do something?

ZELDA: I don't know what I can do

MIPHA: Then I will stop them. LINK!

LINK: Yup?

MIPHA: Quit burning Revali's books and antagonizing him! REVALI!

REVALI: What do you want?

MIPHA: Quit fighting Link and being jealous of him

MIPHA: It's not working!

MIPHA: Zelda help!

ZELDA: Link and Revali! If this rivalry does not end now, neither of you shall be champions, and both of you shall be banished from the Kingdom of Hyrule on my behalf

REVALI: Very well. If it will cost me those privileges, I will no longer take part in the rivalry.


MIPHA: What happened?

ZELDA: Link just punched Revali in the beak


ZELDA: I am sorry for this Link, but I must keep to my word

LINK: I don't wanna spend Christmas alone!

ZELDA: You are banished from Hyrule!

(Link was banned from the chat)

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