Chapter 3: Claustrophobia

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I look around the dark room and try to take in all the information I just received. So, when he gives me a shot of the chemical mixture, it will alter my brain to fear whatever the mixture tells it to? That sounds right. I try t look around some more, but then I hear a sound of what seems like something being sprayed. As I breath in, I start feeling dizzy, and come quick to realize it's a drug. I start to cough, only making me take in more of the drug. Through the darkness, I see the Phycopath walking towards me in a suit with a gas mask on his face, and a syringe in his hand. I watch him as he roughly grabs my arm and plunges the syringe into my skin, making me wince. Through the gas mask, I see him staring at me, the crazy sparkling in is eyes. Just before I black out, I hardly hear him, but I think he said something along the lines of,

"Stage one, Claustrophobia."


I wake up laying on a cold surface, a bright light shining throughout the small room. As I take in more of the room, I realize that the walls, ceiling, and floor are all mirrors. I sit up and look around, my reflection looking back at me. Looking back the the ground, I remember a trick my neighbor Jonathan taught me once. If you put something against a mirror and the reflection touched the object, it's a one-way mirror. If they don't touch, it's a regular one. I place my finger against the cold surface and watch as my finger's reflection touches it, telling me it's a one-way mirror.

"So he's watching me..."

I stand, and immediately feel a headache pounding against my skull, making me reach for my head. As I look around the room, I start to notice how small it is, and my hands start to sweat. I can feel my heart beating in my chest as I walk backwards, looking at each mirror until I bump into the mirror behind me, making me jump.

"Oh gosh, it's so cramped in here. It's also hot. Why isn't there a door. How do I get out?" 

Thoughts echo in my head as my breaths come deeper and faster. I feel hot and my stomach acts like it's jumping on a trampoline. 

"You're not claustrophobic! It's the chemical!"  A small voice shouts in my head, but no matter how hard I try to listen to it, I can't seem to concentrate on it.

"Somebody help me! Please, someone let me out!" I yell, running to a wall and banging my fist against it. But to my horror, the worst of the worst happens. The roof starts closing in, lowering itself. My eyes widen and my heart beats faster as it lowers itself, coming closer to the ground. 

"Help me! Please!" I beg, tears coming to my eyes and my fist banging against the mirror. I flail my arms around me, but I scream as my wrist bangs against the descending mirror, now just above my head. I get onto my hands and knees as the roof mirror continues to lower, making my heart fell like it's about to explode and my train of thought crash entirely.

I fall onto my back as the mirror pushes against me, making me feel even more trapped that before. I look up through tear-filled eyes and see my reflection staring at me. Finally, the mirror roof stops just as it touches the tip of my nose. I want to scream, but my throat is dry. So instead, I stare up at myself, the only thing I hear is the sound of my heart beating out of my chest. My ragged breaths so heavy that I can slightly feel my ribs hitting the roof, making me feel even worse. 

Suddenly, I hear the same spraying sound from earlier, and turn my head as much as I can to see a mist being spayed, quickly filling the room, along with my lungs. As my ragged breaths start to slow from the drug, I start to get dizzy and sleepy. And finally, to my relief, I pass out.


I wake up with a small headache, a bright light shining directly on me, the rest of the room looking dark. As my eyes adjust, I realize my hands aren't tied, so I immediately cross my arms in front of me, feeling defenceless. But I do see that both of my ankles are handcuffed to the legs of the wooden chair I'm sitting in. I look in front of me, and there is what seems to be a plastic cylinder surrounding me, at least a foot away in all directions. 

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