Chapter 10: Tomophobia

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I wake up in my bed and open my eyes. Today, I think, is the last phobia. Will he let me go after I'm tested? Or will he....

I change the subject in my mind and think about the news report from last night. They said they think they might be close to finding me, so hopefully they will before it's too late. I'll never be able to repay the man who called the police, even if I do get out.

But what about when the Psychopath said he was always one step ahead of the police? Now that there was a witness who saw me, he's got to be on high alert...

I think about all the possibilities and outcomes of this for what feels like an hour. But then I realize something.

'Why hasn't he drugged me yet?'

Usually only five-ish minutes goes by before I'm drugged and taken to the main lab. I mean, if the police think they might find me soon, wouldn't you think he'd be in a rush to finish his research on me?

This all swirls around in my head, confusing me. Then a loud, scratchy noise fills the room, making me cover my ears and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Hello darling." A loud, scratchy voice says, echoing slightly. "I bet you're wondering why you're still in your room."

It's as if he had read my mind. Not knowing what to do, I just sit there, confused.

"I know you remember what the puppet said about answering the questions I ask you. So go on, I can hear you just fine darling." He says.

"Um... yeah, I was wondering that..." I say, awkwardly. He chuckles after I say that.

"Well, you won't have to wait too long now darling. I was just going to tell you your results so far from the phobia's I've tested you on."

Immediately an idea sparks in my brain. I don't know if it will work, and it's pretty risky. But, I go for it anyways.

"Let's make a deal." I blurt out, hoping he heard me. It's silent for a minute as he takes in what I said.

"What kind of deal..." He replies, curiosity getting the better of him.

I swallow. "If I did above average in more than three of the six phobias, you let me go, right now." I say, nerves clearly noticeable in my voice. Another long pause as he thinks about it.

"We will see. I haven't looked at all the results together yet, so we will both be hearing these for the first time. Here we go."

I immediately feel nervous, and slightly afraid. I hadn't thought of what would happen if I didn't do above average in four of the phobias...

"Claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces, you did about average. Your amydgala wasn't used to all these chemicals messing with it, so that was expected. Point you I guess." His voice echos through the room. I sigh in relief before he goes on.

"Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. You did below average in this one. Your reaction time was a lot quicker then the others, and I picked up more fear educed brain waves from the chip in this one. So point me." He says, giggling at the end. I totally forgot about the chip! I remember him telling me he had put a chip in my head to measure brain activity or something like that.

"Aquaphobia, the fear of water. You were above average, as you instantly started looking for a solution as the water came through. So point you."

I feel better after he says that, now that I'm ahead of him. I just need to do above average in two more to win my deal.

"Coulrophobia, fear of clowns. Now this one you know you did below average. An easy point for me." He concludes, making me roll my eyes. I think in the back of his mind he knows it wasn't my fault. But maybe not, since he is a lunatic.

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