Chapter 32: Rescue attempt (2).

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  Cameron's P.O.V

  When you both get there, they stop you immediately. "What is your reason for bringing a dragon to the front door??" The guard on the left questions and looks at you wondering if you and Fredrick were idiots. Only during emergencies are you allowed to do such a thing.

  "Well," Fredrick hops off and Janet drops Arthur in front of the guards. Fredrick roughly grabs Arthur and picks him up from the ground. "Someone tried to break in earlier and we need to know what to do with him." "If it's just some normal idiot, kill him and go." The guard looks away in disinterest until he looks at Arthur's face and gasps. "Hold on! You're a familiar face! You're the boyfriend to Y/n L/n! The soon-to-be queen or whatever the hell." He thinks for a bit. Fredrick looks at you and you hop off the dragon. "Yes. We assume he was trying to break in and save her." You finally speak. "Pfft, save her? Nah, let that bitch die in there for all anyone cares. She's caused so much chaos since she came here." 'Tch.' You glare at the guard. 'I wish I could punch you, just know that.' You say angrily in your head.

  "Well, whatever..." The guard looks at the other one. "Guess we gotta open the door for them. I'm sure King Wilfred would love to see this ugly face again." He looks at Arthur and Arthur rolls his eyes as they open the double doors. "James, take the dragon back." The first guard suddenly says. "Uh, what?!" The other guard who was quiet the whole time folds his arms. "You heard me." "Uh, I don't care. I'm not responsible for a stupid dragon." "Yeah, well, I had to talk to these guys so now you gotta do something, you lazy bum."

  You and Fredrick quietly walk past with Arthur, not wanting to stop their dumb little argument about who was going to take Janet back. Once you three were far enough from the front entrance Fredrick sighs in relief. "That went... Surprisingly easy." He chuckles and you nod. "Heh, yeah." You smile. "So, now what?" Arthur moves away from Fredrick and rubs his wrist. "Ow, by the way. You were grabbing too hard." "Sorry, had to make it believable. Ok, so next is we need to find them. Cameron, you go search for Tobias and get him out. Arthur, let's find you a disguise so you're covered up and we can easily find Y/n. We'll join together at the end of the tunnels from the secret exit in the dungeon." "Sounds like a plan." Arthur nods and they head off somewhere into the castle.

  You head straight towards the kid's room and avoid any guards or any other workers in the castle. Luckily there wasn't a lot... Being here before, you already knew where the kid's room was. Damn, if only Tobias didn't have such a good heart... Nobody would be in this stupid situation in the first place. You get to the twin's room and knock on the door. When you hear a 'come in' you open the door and look around seeing Willard, Samantha, and Tobias sitting on one of the beds and playing with toys. "Yes, guard?" Willard frowns in annoyance since they were interrupted. You walk in and close the door then pull off the helmet. "Hi, guys." You smile and Tobias gasps. "Cam-" "Sh!" You quickly interrupt him and he quickly covers his mouth.

  Samantha's and Willard's eyes widen and they all get off the bed. "Are you guys here to take Y/n and Tobias?" "Yes." You walk over to Tobias. "Where's Alberta?" You question and he points to the corner where you see a fancy little bed she was curled up in with a blanket on her. You also noticed she had on a tiny tiara and a pretty pink bow. "Oh, so precious. She's so spoiled here." You chuckle and Tobias nods. "Everyone here loves her, so... She's definitely spoiled." Tobias looks at you. "Can we take the twins?" "W-wha?" Your eyes widen and you look at him. "Tobias, it's hard enough just getting you and Y/n. How can we take them too?" "But..." Tobias looks at Samantha who was getting upset. "I can't..." He looks back at you and whispers. "I can't leave Samantha." "Tobias, I'm sorry but you have to. Maybe one day you'll meet her again. Now come, we need to hurry. We don't have all the time in the world, you know." You go to grab his hand but he dodges you. "Dammit, Tobias, we don't have time for this!" You clench your fists.

  Tobias looks down. "I-I know, but I can't just..." "It's ok, Tobi." Samantha hugs him and he hugs back tightly. "I-I can't..." He whispers. "Yes, you can." Samantha closes her eyes and smiles as she rests her head on his shoulder. "I want you to live a good life with your real family. Just... Promise you'll come back to me, ok?" She moves away and sees Tobias' red eyes were glowing a little. "T-Tobias..?" She steps back. "Oh, god... Not another problem." You grumble and look at Willard. "Do you know what's going on?" "N-no." Willard grabs Samantha's hand and pulls her over protectively. "Alright, we don't have time for this. Say bye, Tobias." You fold your arms. "Hurry, we have to go." "Go then." Tobias keeps staring down but his voice was dark. "U-um, Tobi?" Samantha says nervously and he looks at her. "What?" "W-what's wrong?" "I-I don't know..." Tobias looks at his hands. "I don't know what's going on with me..."

  You think for a minute before getting an idea. "Well, you were born with dark powers from a dark magic potion. That being a dark potion of obsession. Tobias, before things get worse, we have to go. Your magic is going to make you do bad things. Do you want to hurt Samantha or anyone else you love?" "N-no!" Tobias starts to cry and you pick him up. "Then, let's hurry before you do." "N-no! Samantha!!" Tobias tries to escape but you were already running out the door. Before the twins disappear from his sight, he sees them both sadly wave good-bye to him although all he could focus on was Samantha. As you ran, all he could do was cry. "I'm sorry, Tobias. I really am..." You finally stop running and put him back down. He wipes his tears and nods. "I-its ok, I understand... It's good you ran out with me... I-I could have hurt someone. I don't want to be like the stupid king..." He looks at his hands. Who knows what dark magic he possesses... "Yes, now.. Let's get out of here and wait for Fredrick and Arthur, ok?" "O-ok..." Tobias sadly grabs your hand and Tobias starts leading you to an exit. "Have you been waiting for this day?" You question, wondering how he knew the castle so well. "I've seen a few secrets here when Willard and I explore the halls together..." "Oh. Hm." You continue to follow him until someone calls out 'Tobias'. You both quickly stop and slowly turn around, seeing a woman.

  "Oh, Tobias, what are you doing outside of your room?" The lady hurries over and looks at the boy in worry then looks at you with an angry frown. "And you, what are you doing with Tobias?" She folds her arms and you get nervous. "Well, he had to use the bathroom and-" "There's a bathroom in his room just like the twins." "Oh, well he wanted to-" "Wait, you forgot Alberta!" Willard hurries over and the lady raises a brow at him. "And where are they going with Alberta, Willard?" "O-oh, uh..!" Willard's eyes widen at the situation he just got himself into. "N-never mind that," he puts down Alberta and she hurries over to Tobias' side. "Maid, I am hungry and feeling a little sick! I want soup!" "Just a minute, Willard. I must see why this stranger is taking-" "Do  you want me to get my father on you, Christina?" Willard angrily clenches his fists and glares at the lady, using her first name to sound intimidating which works. "Remember last time you screwed up?" His expression gets dark and your eyes widen. 'Are all the kids here scary or am I really just a scaredy-cat? Then again this is Wilfred's kid... Whether they're biologically his or not, he's raising him. Even if he does grow up to be a good person, there's gonna be some dangerous side to him.'

  "U-uh, yes... Prince Willard..." Christina, their maid, gulps. "A-and there is no reason to get your father, I will get you some soup immediately! Hurry now, let's go to the kitchen and get you what you need!" She hurries towards the kitchen and Willard gives a thumbs up to you both then quickly follows her. You give a sigh in relief and Tobias continues to head towards a secret exit with Alberta who was quickly following behind with her short sheep legs.

  Tobias unlocks the secret door and opens it then looks at you. "Here it is. It will lead us into the same tunnel you guys escaped from before." "Perfect. Let's go." You let Tobias and Alberta go down the stairs first. Just before you head in with them you hear a low sob. You look to the left, seeing Samantha at the corner of the hallway watching. "It's ok, Samantha. He's gonna be ok." "P-please don't let my little brother do anything stupid to hurt himself..." "I won't." You smile at her then head down, closing the door behind you.

  Samantha wipes away her tears and hugs her teddy bear with a big smile. "You're finally free again, little brother. No more being scared here." Her smile crumbles and she starts to sob again since she was missing Tobias and Alberta already.


Sorry, I know it must be annoying but 'Rescue Attempt' will have three parts! 

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