PICTURES ARE NOT MINE UNLESS I SAY THEY ARE. Also, there will be violence, dirty stuff, bad language, and all that other bad stuff so read at your own risk! I will not be warning you about anything either. Enjoy!
The picture is Wilfred except his cape is red. Once again, ART IS NOT MINE.
"Y/n, is dinner ready yet?"
"Hm?" You look up from folding clothes, looking at the king. "I talked to the chef." You look back down, continuing to fold clothes. "Dinner should be ready in a little, King." "I told you, call me by my real name..." He frowns, walking over.
You stop and sigh, looking up at the tall man who was now standing in front of you. Smiling, he pats your head. "Join us for dinner tonight." "But king-" "Wilfred." He interrupts you and you look down, "I prefer speaking to you the way I normally do, King..." 'But I dislike it." "Only your wife should call you by your real name." You get up, setting down the clothing in your hands.
"I'll eat in my room, thank you..." You turn and leave. Wilfred, the king, sighs, shaking his head. "You dull little girl... Hm..." He looks down and frowns a little bit.
"So, the king wanted you to eat with him??" Your 'friend', as he calls himself, gasps. "That's great! You're getting close to the king!! THE KING, Y/n! THIS KING!" "He's nothing special, Cameron." "He is TOTALLY special! What to you mean?! I mean, you were a normal girl who he had offered a special job to!"
You frown at him. "Dude, grow up. I'm nothing to royalty. If anything I'm just some peasant. An annoyance. A nuisance, maybe even a little bug they like to step on."
Clenching his fists, he looks down. "You're nothing like that to anyone..." "Maybe to you, Cam. But to everyone else-" "You're not like that!" He loudly interrupts you. "You don't know what others see so you can't have any say in this!" He folds his arms, looking ahead. "You're an idiot sometimes... And even though you're from a colorless village, I see color in you! You're not as dull as everyone says you are, Y/n! You're poker-faced but I can understand what you're feeling without having to see it in your face!"
You sigh, getting a little annoyed. He tried convincing you, you were someone special everyday but everyday you turned it down. Still, to this day, he never gave up...
'I wonder why...' You think, 'Why does he waste his time and energy even trying? I'll never understand this kid...' You look at him, seeing he was stressed out, trying to explain to you stuff you didn't really care much about.
"Sh." You put your finger on his lips and his eyes widen, looking down at the finger while he shuts up instantly. "Do you hear that?" You question and he tilts his head a bit. "Hear what..." "The silence." "Ugh, Y/n!" He grumbles since you actually worried him a little.
You giggle a tiny bit and look forward, "It's better than your voice, Cam." Cameron gasps quietly, hearing your low giggle. "Heh, yeah...." He looks away, blushing a bit at how cute it sounded.
Cameron was just one of the people that live in the kingdom.
The Red Kingdom, to be specific.
This kingdom is known for it's bravery and huge fearless army. Even the king is feared, which is why Cameron was so surprised to hear that a cold king like him would ever want you to eat at the dinner table with his queen and him.
No one's ever dared messing with this kingdom so it's always peaceful around.
"Hey, Y/n..." Cameron looks down and you look at him. "Yes, Cam?" "Um... Are you free this weekend...?" "Cam, my one rule is to stay in the castle, you know that. I can only go out when the king allows me to." "Well, if you ask him..."
You frown, "Why do you want me to be free this weekend? Hm?" "Well, there's this special thing going on... I wanted to go with my best friend. But, if you have to work, I understand... The king's going, so maybe he'll take you with him and I can see you there for a while..." "Maybe." You shrug, and sigh.
"I should head back." "Yeah... I should too... My mom might need help at her shop, heh..." Cameron smiles at you. "Cya later?" "Maybe." You leave and Cameron sighs, "Yeah, later~" He chuckles, leaving.
You roll your eyes but smile a tiny bit, enjoying when he was around you.

Colorblind (Yandere!King X Reader)
Storie d'amore[COMPLETED] Every kingdom has its own color. It's own specialty. Magic. You, though, weren't from any. You were from a little colorless village. Heading back one Winter night, you ended up losing your way to the village so, going to one of the ki...