After about a week, Wilfred woke up in his bed. He didn't move from it though, he just laid there and stared at the ceiling for a while. All his life he was a miserable lonely king. He tried to love. It didn't work out so well... He just didn't know how to love a woman; but one thing he knew for sure was he knew how to love his kids, so that's what he's going to do.
Wilfred sits up and sighs, closing his eyes. "I almost gave away the one thing I had left..." He whispers. "Over a girl...?" He gets out of bed and leaves his room. The first thing he did was go straight to the twin's room and open the door where he saw Rosie taking care of the two with a dark-skinned woman. Wilfred tilts his head a little at the stranger. "My king!" Rosie hops up from the floor with a bright smile. "I know we're not usually allowed to bring people in the castle, but I thought maybe I could bring my wife; Tamitha!" She helps up the woman beside her. Wilfred stares at them for a little while before he slowly smiles. "Of course, Rosie. Did you take care of my babies while I was unconscious?" "We all did." Rosie smiles sadly. "Me, Antonio," She looks at her lover and blushes. "Tamitha..." She then looks back at the king. "We love them just like you, and we love you too, King." She wipes away a single tear since she was trying not to cry. "We're so glad you're ok."
Wilfred lets out a shaky sigh and nods. "I'm sorry for all the chaos." He looks at his kids. They were too shocked too move since they haven't seen him awake in a week. "Hey." He smiles at them and they both start to cry and run over. "Daddy!" They sob and hug him. He picks them up and holds them close. "I'm sorry. Daddy's sorry..." He whispers to them as they sob loudly. "For now on no woman will cause this mess again..." He kisses their foreheads. "You two are my world now." Willard wipes his tears but they wouldn't stop. "W-we were s-so worried!!" "Sh, it's ok." Wilfred sits on the floor with them in his lap as he smiles peacefully with his eyes closed. For once... He felt human. No more worrying over a girl who didn't love him. No more sleeping in the same bed with women who hurt him. No more chasing... "D-daddy..." Wilfred opens his eyes and looks at Samantha who called him. "Yes, Samantha?" "I-I... I love you." She smiles. "I love you both... Sorry I was so caught up in something else. You both are all that I need..." He hugs them closer then looks at Rosie and Tamitha. "I have the best family in the world."
Rosie looks at Tamitha and hugs her as she sobs. Tamitha smiles and hugs her back. "There, there... You're so weak for these things, Rosie." She giggles. "We're a big happy family!" Rosie sobs. "Where's Antonio! We need Antonio!" She rushes out to get him and Tamitha quickly follows before Rosie got hurt since her vision was blurry from all the tears. "Hey..." Wilfred suddenly speaks up and sighs. "Now, I can't promise this... But if I could someday talk to Arthur and them... Maybe I could at least convince them to let you both see Tobias."
Samantha looks at Willard, seeing he was looking right back at her with the same worried expression she wore. "Dad, you almost killed Fredrick. I don't think they ever want to see you again." "Heh, yeah..." Wilfred frowns sadly. "It was a maybe though." He closes his eyes again. "We'll see what happens, huh?" "Yeah." The kids smiles and snuggle closer to their father. "Thanks for staying with me." He looks down at them. "Of course." Willard looks back up at him. "You're not the best, but you're the only father we want." She says and Willard nods.
"Thank you..." Wilfred whispers finally feeling at peace. Finally, his war was over. He put down the sword and won his final battle.
A month finally passes after the king's change of thought and the kingdom was a lot more peaceful than before. Wilfred was back to his normal, happy self you used to see him in when you worked there. The family still avoids him though, but you all moved back into the kingdom and you're happy he's finally making time for his kids and not chasing you anymore. As a matter of fact, you got a letter from him. You were nervous at first but the letter was about Tobias coming over for a visit. Tobias, without a second thought, agreed and now you're stuck in the house with Cameron while Arthur was taking Tobias and Alberta to the castle for a visit. Just in case, Arthur kept a dagger with him so you aren't too worried if he happened to get into a fight with the king, but so far things were good. You felt like the burden of the king was gone... Like he was a new man now and everything was actually ok.
"Hey, Cameron, you think we should make some cookies before Arthur gets back?" You head into the living room. "He likes almond cookies..." You mumble then look at Cameron seeing he was sadly staring down at the ground while he sat quietly on the couch. You sigh, "Cam... He's gonna be ok, I promise." You smile and he looks at you. "I-I know." He blushes and looks away with a pout. "I just miss him, is all... It's been a month, Y/n... I hate not seeing him walking around..." "I'm glad you finally opened up, Cam." You walk over to him and ruffle his hair. "Y-Y/n..." He pouts more and looks up at you. "What's the point in hiding it anymore? I almost lost him..." He sighs sadly. "I realized you only have one life to live... Why waste it hiding all your life? When he wakes up, I'm gonna tell him!" "You go, Cameron!" You cheer and he gets up, getting excited. "Yeah!" He cheers with you and you both hear grumbling so you both look in that direction and see Fredrick rubbing his eyes. "Come on, guys... Lower your voices, I have a headache..." He sighs. "I had the most horrible dream of the year, Y/n. You might wanna hear this-" Fredrick gets interrupted when Cameron tackles him into a hug and kisses him. "Oh!" You gasp and cover your mouth.
Fredrick, now fully awake, stares at Cameron with wide eyes. "D-did you just..." "S-sorry!! Holy shit, I'm so sorry!" Cameron moves away quickly. "I-I don't know what c-came over me, I-! Oh goodness I can't believe... I-" Cameron stops talking when Fredrick turns Cameron's head towards him and pecks his lips. "O-oh..." Cameron's cheeks start to burn and Fredrick starts to blush and look away. "S-sorry." You watch the whole awkward yet wholesome scene. 'Cute.' You smile as you watch them talk about how long they've loved each other.
"I'm so glad you're awake..." Cameron smiles as he whispers to Fredrick. "I thought I lost you... How dare you try to leave us." He pouts and Fredrick hugs him. "I'll never leave you guys again. I'm sorry." Cameron finally starts to cry a little since he was so happy. "Just wait 'til Arthur comes back and sees this." You bring up and Fredrick looks at you. "Arthur?" He gasps, "Arthur! In my dream, he... He was there when I died... Wait a minute," His head turns back towards Cameron. "You thought you lost me...? Did my dream actually happen?!" "Yes." You nod and he sighs in disbelief. "Wow... Ok, well I need to apologize to him... Arthur saw everything..." Fredrick frowns sadly and not so long after, the door opens and Arthur walks in. "I'm home everyone." He tiredly walks over. "Willard chased me and tried to throw Samantha's teddy bears at me." "Pfft, why?" You look at him and he shrugs. "He said I was 3 minutes late from dropping off Tobias." He pouts and you giggle. "Well, good news." You point at Fredrick and Arthur turns in that direction.
"Hey." Fredrick frowns sadly. "I'm sorry I tried to say goodbye..." Arthur stays quiet causing everyone to worry until he runs over and hugs Fredrick. "Fredrick!" he hugs him tight. Fredrick does the same with a big smile on his face. "Arthur!" "How dare you try to give up!" Arthur finally moves away and punches Fredrick in the face. Your eyes widen and Cameron gasps. "Arthur!" He frowns and tries to go over to him but you stop Cameron. "Stop. This is between them." You speak lowly to him and he sighs. "But..." "No."
Fredrick wipes blood off his lip and looks at Arthur who was angrily crying. "I'm sorry." He smiles sadly and Arthur hugs him again. "I-it's ok." He smiles. "You're back and that's all that matters..." "I'm never leaving again." Fredrick chuckles and looks at Cameron causing Cameron to blush and look away shyly. Fredrick smirks and whispers to Arthur. "Hey, Arthur." "Hm?" He replies and Fredrick continues, "You should take Y/n out tonight. I want the house." "Oh?" Arthur's eyes widen and he looks at Fredrick, seeing his eyes focused on Cameron. "Well, well, well." Arthur moves away with a smirk. "Say, Y/n. Why don't you and I go out tonight, huh?" He walks over to you and you frown in confusion. "But I wanted to spend some time with Fredrick. He just woke up." "Play along." Arthur whispers to you and winks. "Oh-!" You cover your mouth once again and look at Cameron who was confused. "Oh, right! Yes!" You excitedly nod. "A date night sounds lovely!" You smile. "C'mon, let's go get ready!" You grab Arthur's hand and rush to your room to get better clothes.
"Wait, why the sudden date night?" Cameron looks at Fredrick finally seeing he was being stared at. "U-uh..." Cameron blushes more and Fredrick's smirk grows. "Cameron." "U-uh, yeah?" "When they leave, let's make this a night we'll never forget." "O-oh. Oh my..." Cameron looks down feeling nervous, but nods and looks back up with a small smile. "Yeah, lets..."
Sorry, I'm horrible with endings! I know usually yandere endings are evil also, but... In my opinion, Wilfred wasn't as terrible as he acted. I'm really happy with this ending and I hope you guys are too. :)
Feels weird though... Knowing that another story is finished and I won't have to worry about it anymore...

Colorblind (Yandere!King X Reader)
Romance[COMPLETED] Every kingdom has its own color. It's own specialty. Magic. You, though, weren't from any. You were from a little colorless village. Heading back one Winter night, you ended up losing your way to the village so, going to one of the ki...