Chapter 34: Resurrection.

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Um... Sorry in advance. I'm sure you get it by the title...


Arthur's P.O.V

  "Fredrick!!" You rush over to the two men fighting. Luckily when Fredrick tackled Wilfred, the sword fell out of his hands but they were both bloody from fighting. You grab Wilfred and try to pull him off but you weren't strong enough like Fredrick was. "Arthur, what are you doing here?!" Fredrick shoves Wilfred off causing Wilfred to fall on his back and you stumble back since you were pulling him. "I can't leave you behind, Fredrick! No matter how badly you wanted me to!" "Then hurry and grab the sword!" Fredrick points to it and you rush over but Wilfred was faster as he quickly got up and shoved you out of the way causing you to fly a little and hit the ground hard. 

  "No!!" Fredrick kicks the back of Wilfred's knee just as he was about to grab the sword. Wilfred falls on his knee and accidentally manages to knock the sword further. "Fuck!" He starts crawling to it just as Fredrick did the same. You weakly get up and grab Wilfred's cape, holding him back just enough for Fredrick to grab the sword. "NO!" Wilfred takes off his cape and gets up. "Wilfred... I'm tired of your bullshit." Fredrick points the sword at him. While Wilfred was distracted, you pick up the cape and throw it over him which blinds him. "Hurry, kill him!!" You step back from Wilfred who was trying to remove the cape. He ends up tripping on it and falling back. Without a second thought, Fredrick swings the sword at Wilfred. The sword didn't kill him since Wilfred managed to pull the cape off in time and dodge it but he had a deep cut on his chest. 

  With the blade now pointing at Wilfred's chest, Fredrick and Wilfred glare at each other. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Wilfred frowns as he ignores the horrible pain and the heavy blood loss of the deep cut. "Wilfred..." Fredrick whispers. "It didn't have to be this way... But then again, I guess you can't exactly change the devil, now can you?" He holds the sword tighter and lifts up the sword so he could swing down and finally finish this once and for all. 

  "NO!" He hears someone scream. "huh...?" He looks to the left where he sees Samantha and Willard with wide eyes. Samantha sobs and shakes in fear while Willard hugged her. "Fredrick, we know he's not the best, but... He's our father..." Fredrick looks back at the king, seeing him looking sadly at his kids then he looks back at you with a defeated but angry look. "Kids, go to your room. It's gonna be ok." "Ok?! We won't have parents!" Willard yells in anger. "You're our father!" "Then come with us.." You finally speak up and Willard shakes his head and finally tears start to stream down his face. "W-we can't. This is our home. Our father needs us." "Not anymore." You look at Fredrick. "Finish it."

  Fredrick feels his hands start to tremble until he sighs and gives in, dropping the sword in front of him. "I can't." He glares at Wilfred. "I don't want to end up like him." "Fredrick!" Your eyes widen and he looks at you. "I said what I said." He turns to you. "Let's go." "But-" "Let's. Go." Fredrick starts to walk towards the exit. Wilfred, without a second though, uses the last of his strength to pick up the sword and stab Fredrick in the back with it before he falls and faints from the lack of blood. Fredrick falls to his knees and looks down at the sword that was now through his chest. "Fredrick!!" You rush to his side. "I-I..." Fredrick stops when he tastes blood in his mouth. He falls back and gasps when the sword only goes through him more. 

  "Samantha, hurry and go get the healer! Quickly!!" Willard rushes Samantha as she quickly runs out of the room, almost tripping as she left. Willard runs straight towards his father with the cape and tries to stop the bleeding while you stayed on your knees next to Fredrick. Your body was shaking in fear since you didn't know what to do. Usually Fredrick would help you with these situations, but this time... He is the situation. "F-Fredrick...! Fredrick, I-I don't know what to do! Tell me, please, what do I do?!" You start to cry and Fredrick weakly looks at you. "A-Arthur..." He gives a weak and pained close-eyed smile. "Go home..." "But Fred, I-I can't leave you!! W-what about Cameron?! What about your future with him!! Please!" You beg. "I-I need you here! It's not a home if you're not here with me!" "Arthur..." He frowns and you stop talking. "I... I'm happy." He smiles again but it was smaller than the last. "I... I like this end... My friends... Together..." He looks at the sword. "Arthur..." He looks back at you, a single tear leaving his eye. "Don't tell Cameron how I feel... Let..." He breathes heavily, trying to keep talking though it was hard for him, "..Let him move on peacefully..." "No! You can tell him that yourself! Fredrick!" You shake his arm when he closes his eyes and goes limp. "FREDRICK!" You scream and start to sob uncontrollably. "WAKE UP, PLEASE!" You shake his whole body. "I can't live this life without you! Please!" You sob and hug him tightly. His warm blood stained your clothes but you didn't care. "P-please, Fredrick... Come back..." You whisper with a shaky voice. "I-I miss you already..." You rest your head on his. "Please... A home's not a home if you're not there with us all..." 

  "I'm back!" Samantha rushes in and gasps at the horrible sight. "Hurry!!" Willard looks at the healer. "He's almost dead, please!" The healer hurries over and starts to work his magic on Wilfred. Samantha runs over to you and checks Fredrick's pulse. "Is there anything he could do for Fredrick...?" You look up at the little girl. "I...I don't know." Samantha frowns sadly and looks at Fredrick's face then at you. You look back down at Fredrick and move some strands of hair from his face accidentally getting blood in his hair from your hands. "I'm sorry, Fred... I couldn't help you..." You place your forehead on his. "I'm a failure to you just like I am as a boyfriend to Y/n. Just like I am as a father to Tobias... Why couldn't I be the one with the sword in my chest...? They'd all be better with you..."

  Once the healer got done with Wilfred, he went over to you. "Move." He moves you aside rather rudely but he seemed to be focusing on how to bring back Fredrick. "Can you... Bring him back?" "I can, but... I can't exactly guarantee it'll work out the way I want it to. It's a dark magic spell... He could come back... But not as himself is the gods don't accept him." The healer looks at you. "Do you want me to try?" "Yes! Please, we have to try something!" "Alright." The healer nods and gets up. "Children, get out for a minute please." He looks at them and they nod then quickly leave. "Help me move Wilfred away from him." The healer looks at you and you nod. You both drag Wilfred to one side of the room and you watch as the healer goes over to Fredrick and turns him, pulling the sword out of his body. You gasp and look away since you couldn't watch this. 

  You stare down at Wilfred's unconscious body. Hopefully he doesn't wake up during any of this... You start to feel a cold chill so you look back up and see dark magic swirling around Fredrick. You gulp and sit down, waiting for the healer to be done with his work.  'Please work... Please.' You beg in your head and watch quietly. A few minutes pass and the dark magic disappears. The healer looks in your direction and signals for you to come over so you quickly do. "Arthur, is it?" He questions and you nod. "How did you.." "Sh. As a reward for Fredrick's good heart, the gods have offered him a second chance." The healer turns fully towards you. "Take him home. It may not look like it, but he is alive. It'll take a few days before he fully recovers and wakes up." The healer looks at the hole in Fredrick's chest from the sword. "We don't have a home... The king keeps chasing us!" "Don't worry about him." The healer looks at you. "He's too weak to do anything right now. Besides, I'm sure after all that has happened... Something should have changed him by now. Point is, you should hurry and go before he does wake up and decides to finish the job." "Of course..." You pick Fredrick up. 'Shit, he's heavy!' "Thank you." You look at the healer and he nods then starts walking over to Wilfred. 

  You hurry to the tunnel with Fredrick. A bloody trail followed as you left the castle through the tunnel. "Don't worry, Fredrick." You keep running through the tunnel with him. "You'll get your true happy ending. I won't ever give up on you."

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